Insecure! Harrison x Reader

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Taken place after Parents Day! FEELS!,


It's been a day since Parents Day and everyone's been quiet, especially Harrison. Actually come to think of it, I haven't seen him since. He wasn't at breakfast this morning or dinner last night. On Parents Day, his parents were afraid of him. That must have been a hit on his confidence. They shouldn't be, he's the nicest boy.

I went to go look for him but I couldn't find him everywhere. I checked in the Mess Hall, outside, on his stage, even Nerris didn't know where he was. My last option was his tent. I walked towards it, to only stop after hearing faint sobs. I quietly snook to the front of the tent. I "knocked" on the tent flaps.
"Harrison?"I called out. "Are you ok" I heard a bit of shuffling in the tent before a raspy voice responded back:
"Y-yeah I'm fine" I didn't believe it for a second.
"Can I com-" I was interrupted.
"No! I-I-I'm getting dressed!" Harrison called out, nearly stuttering each word.
"Harrison, you are not getting dressed," I paused for a minute. "Can I come in please?
There was a minute of silence before a silent "okay" was said. I opened the tent flaps to find Harrison laying on his bed, facing the tent wall, curled up in a ball. I walked over to the bed and sat on it's edge.
"Is everything ok, Harrison? You've been quieter than usual-" he turned around so he could see me. His eyes were red, probably from crying. "Harrison! What happened!?"I cupped his face with my hands.
"It's nothing, Y/N" he moved his head from my hands. "No one cares anyway..." tears ran down his face while he said it. Some started to form in mine.
"If this is about Parents Day, your parents are stupid! They shouldn't be afraid of you, you are the nicest and funniest boy around here!" I looked at him straight in the eyes. "Don't let anyone and I mean ANYONE! get you down,"
A tear rolled down my face. "Now come on, you are starting to make me cry!" I said with a giggle. He giggled a bit too. I started to get up, but only to be stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.
"Don't leave... please" I turned my head to see Harrison clinging onto me from behind. I smiled as I titled my head to him. He looked like he was clinging onto me for dear life, like I was his... lifeline.
"Ok, I will... but only for you" I grabbed him and pushed him onto the bed playfully. He had a surprised look on him. I laid beside him on the bed. I could see in the corner of my eye, that his face turned a light red. He turned his head the other way, probably to hide his blushing. I got closer to him to tell him physically, it was ok. He turned his head back around to look me in my eyes. We both kind of stared at each other, not saying a word.

I could see Harrison struggling to stay awake. His eyes were slowly closing. I put his body closer to mine so he could fall asleep. He wrapped his arms around me and brought me to his chest. I could feel myself falling asleep too. As I shut my eyes, I felt a pair of lips kiss my forehead.

And before I knew it, I was gone.

Word Count: 614
Sooo sorry for this being late I won't be able to post tomorrow though

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