All Counselors! x Reader (PLATONIC!) PT 1

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I'm going to throw Daniel, Jen and Jasper in. Also you can change the gender if you don't go by she/her :)

David's POV

What a great day at Camp Campbell! I'm going to finish this day with a little walk in the woods!! David thought to himself. He started his little journey into the woods only seeing trees and dirt so far. He was planning to go to the edge of the forest and relax for a bit.
10 minutes passed and he was nearly there but it was an unusual atmosphere. He suddenly heard a girl crying? He quietly walked over to where the noise was most. He saw a H/L H/C haired girl sitting against a tree.


Today was another shit day. First Max made fun of her because of her shitty art then the flashbacks of her parents made her run away. Her parents were abusive and mean so everytime Max insulted her she had a flashback of them, nearly making her burst into tears. She couldn't handle it today, she couldn't hold it back anymore. She had to run so no one could see her. Once she was at the edge at the forest. The tears came bursting out. Trying to hold them back made her choke so she gave up.

David's POV

Why would she be here? Most important why is she crying? His thoughts were interrupted by the young girl turning around.
"What's wrong Y/N?" He had his arms opened wide waiting for her to hug him. In a instant she got up and hugged him tight. So tight like she would never let go.
"Come on I'll carry you back"

Timeskip brought to by our angel David ~

3rd Person

David finally reached the counselor cabin where everyone was either on their phones or watching TV. Once they saw Y/N in David's arms they pounced up from whatever they were doing
"What happened??" Jasper had a very worried look on his face.
"I don't know but I need a blanket stat!" David rushed Y/N over to the warm couch beside Daniel and laid her down gently.
"Well she doesn't have a fever so that's good atleast" Daniel said trying to be as positive as possible.
"How can she have a fucking fever Daniel??" Replied Jen as she pushed Daniel over so she could sit beside Y/N.
"I was just saying"
"Here you go Y/N" Gwen gave the girl the massive blanket so she could wrap herself in it.
"Y/N what's wrong?" David sat across from me with a worried look on his face.
"I d-don't want to be a b-burden with all my problems" Some tears rolled down her face as she said it.
"Y/N you could never be a burden, you're too radical for that!" Jasper had a smile going across his face. Y/N was always his favorite.
"That's not what m-my parents think" just the thought of them made Y/N burst into tears but this time she felt protected as everyone sat or stood beside her.
"Do they hurt you?" Daniel looked like he was going to shove koolaid down their throats. ;;;)))
Y/N nodded and pointed at her arm. There was a huge scar going from her shoulder to her wrist. Everyone seemed to gasp probably not knowing how painful it would've been.
"Oh, that's it!" Jasper got up and cracked his knuckles but that seemed to trigger a flashback for Y/N so she hid under the blanket as an instinct.
"Jasper! Look what you did to poor Y/N" Jen ran over to Y/N and hugged her while she mouthed to Jasper "you're dead".
"Everyone calm down! We aren't going to let Y/N go back to her parents as it seems she been... you know" David looked like he was going to cry but punch someone in the face.
"But what are we going to do about Parent's Day?" questioned a confused Daniel.
"Yeah it's in 2 days!" Gwen added on.

"We are going to have to wait and see"

Word Count: 709
But of course there's going to be a part 2 like I'm excited my self ;)

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