All Counselors! x Reader PT 9

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why do I do this? This chapter is pretty much everyone's perspective of the paper...


Adoption papers...
I looked blankly at the sheet not knowing what to think. I looked back at David as tears fell down my face. David walked over to me and gave me a big hug. The others looked at us confused.
"H-how did you g-get their signatures?" More tears rolled down my face.
"Well when Ered's dads took them away they threw something out the bars of the van. Before we went looking for you I picked it up. I've always kept it just in case" he winked at that last part. The others still looking at us confused.
"Well it looks like I'm staying here permanently" I giggle as I hand the paper over to them.

Gwen's POV

I read the top of the paper that Y/N handed to us.
Adoption papers!?! My eyes beaming up towards them. I ran over to their side.
"Looks like you are apart of the counselor family now!"

Jasper's POV

Gwen handed me the paper as she ran over to Y/N and David.
Adoption papers... I thought to myself.
This can't actually be happening! I started crying a bit.
"Don't cry, Jasper you're going to make me cry again" Y/N said with a giggle.
"I can't help it" tears ran down my face as I gave Daniel the paper.

Daniel's POV

Jasper handed me the paper David gave to Y/N as a birthday present. I read it with stars in my eyes.
IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE! I thought to myself.
"Wait you never told them? That explains the reaction!" She said while laughing.
I handed Jen the paper and ran over to their side.

Jen's POV

I read the paper as Daniel ran over to the other side of the table. The first thing I see is adoption... my face shot straight up after I read it.
"GWEN! WE CAN THE COOL AUNTS!" Gwen's face lit up as I said it.
"WE CAN DO YOUR HAIR AND MAKEUP WHILE WE GOSSIP!" Y/N just gave us a nervous giggle.

David's POV

While the girls freaked out, Y/N asked me a question.
"David, why did you do this?" She asked.
"I didn't want to risk losing you. You cheer us up so much everyday. You are probably the best thing that happened in our lives!" I said while everyone looked over as us.
"To be honest I would have killed David-" Jen was interrupted by Daniel shaking his head at her, making Y/N giggle a bit.
"Come on, it's late you need to be heading to bed" Y/N looked outside to find they spent a lot of time there.


We tucked Y/N into bed after she had gotten everything she needed. When I was the last one I heard her whisper something.

"Thank you... dad"

"I promised, didn't I?"

Word Count: 522
Hehehe sorry this was a bit short BUT BE GRATEFUL!

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