Harrison x Artist! Reader

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I had to do one on Harrison HES A PRECIOUS BOY!

3rd Person

It was just another normal day. Another normal sketch. Another normal magic show.
Y/N loved sketching her surroundings, but her favorite thing to sketch was Harrison. He was so full of life. But this magic show was different, and this sketch was different...

The morning was bright and energetic. Y/N woke up to find her tentmate Dolph bouncing around.
"Morning Y/N!" The young boy ran over to her bed.
"Good morning Dolph, what time is it?" Y/N asked while getting out of bed.
"8 o'clock!" Dolph said going to his own bed.
"How do you have this much energy right now? She asked while laughing.
"Harrison is doing a magic show today!" He bounced with excitement.
"He hasn't done one in a while now...". This is will be a good opportunity to sketch some poses then Y/N thought to herself.
"I'll let you get ready!" Dolph bounced out of the tent, letting Y/N put on her clothes. She got out of night clothes, suddenly she heard a muffled voice outside. She could barely make out the words the person was saying. She saw the tent flaps beginning to open. Looks like the person was Harrison.
"GET OUT!!!!" She covered herself with her blanket.
"IM SORRY!" He covered his eyes and walked out leaving Y/N and himself flustered.
Why do I love that idiot!? She thought as she put on her F/C hoodie. She brushed her H/L H/C hair and got out of the tent. Y/N saw Harrison in the edge of her eyes. He looked over at her but, became a blushing mess when he looked down at her. Y/N grabbed her sketchbook and ran over to her friend Dolph.
"What's wrong Y/N?" Dolph looked his friend over.

The afternoon was bland until Harrison announced he was doing a magic show in 10 minutes.
"Come on Y/N we need to get a good seat" Dolph said dragging Y/N along.
"Ok calm down Dolph!" The two finally reached the sitting area. Y/N laid down a picnic blanket so they could sit on it. Dolph didn't bother sitting on it and ran around. Y/N just sat down and started sketching. The girl kept sketching till she saw Harrison walked past her. They exchanged looks but that was it.
Dolph noticed this and ran over to Y/N.
"What was that all about?" He asked the flustered girl.
"Promise to tell no one?" She out her pinky out. Dolph put his pinky around the other one. "Ok so you know this morning?"
"Yeah" the boy was getting intrigued.
"Welll while I was getting dressed, Harrison... walked in on me..." Y/N put my head in her hands and blushed with embarrassment.
"Are you serious!? He has seen you... naked??" Dolph questioned her.
"Yeah..." when she said that Harrison walked onto the stage.
"Welcome everyone! It's been some time but everything is new now!" The boy went on.

Timeskip because why the fuck not~


I walked to the docks after eating dinner. I sat down by the water and took out my sketchbook. I drew the water, making sure to get every detail right. I drew until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Y-Y/N" Harrison stuttered as he blushed a bit.
"Hey Harrison" I've gotten over how he walked in on me but, I guessed he hasn't.
"So earlier?" His face was a tomato. "I didn't mean to walk in on you!" He said a bit louder, but luckily no one was around.
"It's ok Harrison. We all walk in on someone naked at least once" his face was dark red now. I started laughing a bit.
"I wanted to tell you something earlier before... you know" I stood up and dropped my sketchbook down and it opened. Harrison looked down to see a page I never wanted anyone to see. He looked back at me. I blushed like mad as I picked up my sketchbook.
"Was t-that me?" He questioned me. The page was sketches of him from his magic shows with hearts around it.
"Uh..." I was interrupted by a pair a warm lips, touching my own. I was taken back but I didn't deny it. It was a good 20 seconds till we pulled out for air.
"Was t-that too much?" He asked nervously.

"It was perfect... like you"

Word Count: 768
He's such an innocent boi like AH.

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