Neil x Reader

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Still in the library. I have a lot of inspiration in here
This is going to be short btw


I was talking to Preston about our crushes. He liked Max. And me? I liked the nerd of the camp, Neil. He just seems so... AH. I can't explain it, but him and Harrison were having some sort of fight with magic? Preston and I stayed out of it though. The boy went off to work on his new script. Can't wait to act it out... I suddenly heard a frustrated scream from across the camp. I walked over to where the scream happened. I saw Neil trying to figure out magic?
"Hey Neil!" I said startling him. He continued writing. "Watcha working on?" I asked tilting my head.
"Trying to work out Harrison's new MAGIC trick" He was twitching an awful lot while he said it. I looked at the board. It suddenly hit me! I remember this from MY magic days.
"Neil do you want me to help you?" I asked, knowing the answer already.
"You can give it a t-" he was interrupted by me grabbing the chalk off him. I wrote the formula of the trick. He was nodding a lot so I'm guessing I was getting it right. I finished the explanation with a grin on my face. I took a step back to let Neil take it all in. He swung around to me.
"You're-" I was interrupted by a pair of lips pressing against my own. I felt my face go red. Then everything went black. Guess I fainted...

I woke up in my tent with Neil pacing by my side. He noticed me awake and ran over to me.
"I-I'm so sorry!" He said a bit loud. I felt my face turn a bit red as he said it. I smiled as I got up a bit slowly. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I feel the same way" I walked out of the tent, thinking I was the smoothest person alive.

Word Count: 360
I've gotten so many oneshots prepared like-

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