All Counselors! x Reader PT 8

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this chapter was so good to write but sooo sad 😪

Gwen's POV

"Jen, come on! No time for makeup!!" I grabbed the hypnotized girls arm and dragged her away. We had to meet up with Jasper and Daniel since we both got our gifts. I saw the men off into the distance so I ran while I dragged Jen with me.
"Did you guys get the ukulele?" Daniel said while Jasper looked up from his phone.
"Yep!" I show the case to it. "Did YOU guys get the art supplies?"
"Yeah they are in the trunk" Jasper pointed to the trunk.
"Ok let's get going before David kills us" Jen said getting into the back seat of the car.

David's POV

We got back just in time as the others were behind us. We parked the cars in the driveway and got out.
"Where did you guys go?" Gwen questioned us.
"Uh long story" Y/N said nervously. "I should ask the same question but I'm thirsty so bye" she walked into the house.
"Well did you guys get the gifts?" I whispered to the others.
"Yep, though we have to get her blindfolded so we can bring these in there" Daniel whispered back pointing to the window which Y/N was staring out of.
"Ok I'll do that" Jasper cracked his knuckles and went into the house.

Jasper's POV

I walked into the house to find Y/N staring out the window in the corner.
"Hey, Y/N?" I said.
"Yeah Jasper?" She turned around looking at me with a sneaky glare, trying to see what we were hiding.
"Can I blindfold you for 10 minutes?" I asked nervously.
"Um I'm confused but ok?"
"Ok I'll be back in a second" I walked out of the room to get the blindfold. I walk back into the kitchen to find Y/N sitting on a chair. I go over to her and put the blindfold on.
"May I ask why are you putting this on?"
"U-um" I didn't respond leaving her confused. I signaled the others to come in, through the window.


This has been a weird day I thought to myself while I heard shuffling around.
"SHIT!" Gwen shouted as it seemed like she kicked her foot off the door.
"LANGUAGE!" I heard David screamed back to her. I started laughing a lot.

30 minutes went by and I'm getting impatient.
"Are you guys done yet?" I ask hoping there's someone around to hear me.
"Just about!" I don't recognize the voice.
"Who was that??" I asked, confused.
"We've been living together for 3 months and you don't recognize my voice!?"
"Well it would help if I had my vision back!" I responded.
"Ok hold on!" I felt a pair of hands at the back of my head, loosening my blindfold. Looks like the person was Daniel. It's bright for a minute till I notice everyone around me.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all say in unison.
"Wait what?"  "HOW DID YOU KNOW? I TOLD NO ONE" I added on.
"Well, I was looking through the campers application forms and I saw yours and all it had was your name and birthday, so I've had it in mind ever since!" David explained to me. Tears started to form at the edges of my eyes.
"Don't be a party pooper, come on let's open some gifts!" Gwen said wiping away some loose tears on my face. I get up of my seat and walk over to the big table with 3 presents on it.
"You didn't have to do this!" I said.
"Well this is your first proper birthday with us and in all your life soooo" David had a huge smile across his face. He handed me the first gift which was for... Jasper and Daniel. I look over at them and they smiled back at me. I opened the box to find... Copic markers!!
"Oh my god guys, thank you so much!!" I said beaming.
"You're welcome" the men said in unison with huge smiles going across their faces.
"Come on, open our gift!" Jen said as she handed me a weird but familiar kind of case.
I open it to find... a brand new ukulele!
"Guys you shouldn't have!!"
"Welp too late" Gwen said with a smile. I put the ukulele on the table. I notice David handing me a piece of paper.
"Happy birthday Y/N" I take the piece of paper off him and I read it.

Adoption papers...

Word Count: 784

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