All Counselors! x Reader PT 4

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This has been very interesting to write...

3rd Person

Y/N woke up bright and early in the morning, keeping to the camp schedule. Thank god it was a Saturday. It seemed like David and Gwen was awake. Y/N got up out of bed and fixed her H/L H/C hair. The sun seemed to be rising so she guessed it was around 7:30. She could hear voices outside her room so she decided to eavesdrop a bit. The voices were a bit muffled but she could hear ok.
"She's ok now David" a voice said that seemed to be Gwen.
"But last night, she tried to get away from me!"
"It was because of a flashback David! She probably didn't mean to do it" Gwen stopped for a moment. "David, I can tell she was and is happy to be here. Last night was an incident but this is going to happen, she's grown up in a shit home with shit parents. Just give her some slack"
"Ok but I need to know what happened!" David seemed to have a bit of a more serious tone now.
"Just give her time, parenthood can be difficult" Gwen seemed to walk away after that sentence
They worry about me? Maybe they actually do care...

Timeskip to around 9 where everyone is awake ~

After a hour and a half in bed Y/N was sure everyone was awake, so she got up out of her bed for the second time. She opened her door to find Gwen walking past her room.
"Oh Y/N! You're up and in your pjs" Y/N looked down to see that she hadn't changed. Then looked back at Gwen seeing in her pjs too. "Did you get a good nights sleep?"
"Kind of, I woke up not knowing where I was though" Y/N giggled as her and Gwen walked into the kitchen. David was sitting at the table with a stressed face on him.
"David?" Gwen walked over to him with a worried look on her face.
"Oh Gwen! Sorry I was just thinking about something"

Your POV

David looked very stressed but noticed something on my arm.
"Y/N are those more scars??" He got up, walked over me and picked up my arm. "Y/N you have scars all over you!" The rest of the gang walked into the room while he said that.
"Y/N what exactly happened when you were with your parents?" Jasper looked me all over seeing big to small scars.
"Ok I'll tell you! My parents only used me to get money! Are you happy now!!" I stormed out of the room leaving the counselors in awe.

David's POV

I looked at my fellow counselors in awe. I felt like going in there and giving her a big hug.
"What do we now?" Jasper looked like he was going to start crying. Everyone looked like they were going to burst into tears. We all just wanted the best for her.

"I'll go in"

Word Count: 531
Seriously I want to cry my eyes out right now why do I do this.
Sorry for this being bit short!

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