Preston x Artist! Reader

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Preston's POV

I love watching the drawings go onto my arm. My soulmate is super artistic! I would watch it for hours on end. Sometimes we talk to each other through our arms. I know her name, it's Y/N. She said she was going to be gone for a while though so she couldn't talk that much. I didn't mind, she still drew on her arm anyways.
I heard we are getting a new camper today though so I decided to wait for them. I saw the old yellow bus come down the road. It stopped right beside me. The doors opened to a girl with H/C hair and E/C eyes. I went over to her before David did.
"Hey! I'm Preston what's your name?" I said. Her face was surprised for a second.
"My name is Y/N" she responded. Wait Y/N? Probably a different Y/N. I heard David run over to us.
"Hello new camper! You must be Y/N! I'm David your camp counselor for the summer!" Before I knew it, she disappeared out of my sight. I looked at my arms to see her latest message.

"Ok I'll talk to you soon!"

Timeskip to about a week- it's a Saturday

I walked around with Harrison and Nerris for a while, mostly to stop them bickering. I looked around for Y/N aswell. She wasn't around? I decided to take a walk in the woods. I left the two only to hear arguing before I was fully out of their sight.
I walked until I saw... Y/N? I hid behind a tree saw she couldn't see me. She was... drawing on her arm? She had so many familiar patterns on them. I looked at my hand to see that something was being written.
"I know you are there, Preston" I looked back up to see Y/N staring right at me. I walked over to her and sat down.
"So, I guess we are soulmates?" She looked down, too embarrassed to look me in the eyes.
"I guess, so" I said giggling. I looked at my arm to see all the new patterns drawn on it.
"May I ask, why do you draw on your arm so much?" Her face went blank as I said it.
"It is my only way to express myself, you are the only one who actually likes them" I felt her head hit my shoulder. It became a bit wet, I looked down to see Y/N crying. I turned around and put my arms her. I let her cry into my chest.

A couple minutes pass, all I hear is a couple sniffles. I ran my fingers through her H/C hair. I felt her body fall onto mine.
Looks like she fell asleep I picked her up bridal style and walked back to camp. Luckily we were there till the evening so no one was around. I snook to her tent only to be stopped by David.
"Where-" I shushed him and nodded to Y/N who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. He seemed to understand and walked off. I opened the flaps to her tent and walked to her bed. I put her down gently, I put her blanket on her so she'd be warm. I started to walk out off the tent till I felt a hand touch my own. I looked behind me to see Y/N grabbing hold of my hand.
"Can you please... stay?" She asked, tiredly.
"Of course" I responded. I walked back over to the bed and lifted up the blanket. I got in and snuggled up to her. She put her head into my chest. I felt my face get hot. My eyelids started getting heavy. I whispered something before fully falling asleep.

"I'll always be here for you"

Word Count: 666 OH SHIT
I'm losing inspiration... dammit that's why I plan ahead

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