Jasper x Ghost! Reader

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I'm coming back to this idea because why the fuck not


So... I'm a ghost. I died when I was 10 as I got shot in the head. Still don't know who did it but now I'm stuck at Camp Campbell for the rest of my "life". Great! It's always boring during the year except for summer because that's when people finally come to the camp. I have a gut feeling that this year will be different though...

As I wake up - yes ghosts don't need sleep but it makes everything go faster if I do - from my slumber, I hear the bus from outside the abandoned counselor cabin. I get up from the bed and I faze through the wall to see the children walk into the Mess Hall.
Yes finally people! Atleast I'm not totally alone... I think to myself as I hover over to the hall. I peek my head into the door to see them getting introduced with Mr. Campbell. Ugh I really hate that guy. Anyways I go back to my cabin and I tidy the place up because I haven't done it in 20 years.

It's nearly the end of the day and my cabin is spotless... well kind of. Anyways I hover through the wall and I go over to the tents. I see the kids running around and messing with each other. I walked over to a tent to see if there was anyone in it. When I put my head in, I saw a boy. Around 11-ish, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and olive skin. He was wearing a yellow shirt and shorts. He was putting on his shoes so I walked over a bit more. He put his head up and stared right at me. I was kind of freaked out as there was nothing behind me.
"Can I help you?" The young boy spoke. I immediately started panicking in my mind but kept my cool and tried to play it off.
"Oh sorry, I... got the wrong tent number!" I quickly said. The boy looked at me if I had 8 heads but shook the face off.
"Oh ok! Names Jasper and you?" He asked me.
"Oh Y/N! It was nice meeting you Jasper but I have to go.. unpack my stuff?" I sounded like I was asking a question. He gave me a bit of a confused look but smiled.
"I shall see you around then Y/N!" He turned away so he could unpack his own things as I ran through the tent and back to my own cabin.
DID HE REALLY JUST SEE ME!? THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! I thought to myself as I panicked. I sat on my bed, thinking about what just happened. It can't be real, he just saw me and I've been dead for 20 years! No one has ever seen me. I get into bed and hope that he still sees me tomorrow...

Next Day wooowooo~ * transition sounds *

I got up from my old, creeky bed, stretched and hovered through the wall. I go to the Mess Hall to see if Jasper is there. Turns out they are gone.
Probably doing their morning activities, it's a Saturday so they won't be long I thought to myself as I made my way over to the tents. The kids started to come out of the woods, opposite to the tents. Most of them phased through me but I saw Jasper and I avoided most of them so he wouldn't see me phase through them. I walked over to him and signaled him to come over to the beach. He followed me until we reached the beach. We stoped and sat down.
"Hey! I didn't see you on the morning hike, where were you?" He asked while he turned to me.
"Um.. I couldn't go on the hike, I.. I hurt my leg" I tried to make up with an excuse. He nodded and looked down to my leg.
"I hope you can come next time though" he smiled at me. I blushed as I admired his ocean blue eyes. Don't fall for him Y/N, you know you can never have him. He'll be gone in 2 months anyways I spaced out for a moment. "Y/N, are you ok?" He looked a bit worried. I could feel tears filling up my eyes.
"I have to go" I got up and ran before he could catch me. I could hear him shouting at me but I kept running and running until I reached my cabin which was hidden so he couldn't find me. I sat in the corner of my bed and put my knees up to my chest. The shouts of Jasper made some more tears come out but...

He'll never be mine

Word Count: 829

I'll probably make a PT 2
Still the same day and now I'm listening to "Shine A Light" ITS BEAUTIFUL

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