All Counselors! x Reader PT 2

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I'm going start crying holy-

3rd Person

The day had finally come. Parents Day. Y/N was dreading it but the counselors reassured her that they weren't going to lay a finger on her. The morning had been pretty bland (probably because no one knew it was Parents Day) so she continued on like it was a normal morning till the counselors called everyone outside.
"Can you believe it kids! Today's the day!" announced David.
"CHRISTMAS" Nikki had joy in her eyes till it was crushed by Daniel.
"No Nikki, it's Parents Day"
"We put flyers up this time and all" Gwen pointed to the Mess Hall that was covered in flyers.
"Oh why did I think it was Christmas"
"Did someone say Christmas?" Mr.Campbell popped out of nowhere while Space Kid screamed "SANTA" in the back.
"Mr. Campbell what are you going here sir?"
"I'm definitely not hiding from any authorities"
"Wait what?" Jasper had a confused look on his face.

Timeskip to parents arriving because I'm lazy ~

The parents arrived one by one. First there was Neil's dad, he didn't think act  one bit happy about it. Then Nerris's, then Dolph's then more and more till everyone had their parents with them even Max. Y/N was very nervous about seeing them because she knew that they were going to slap her. David went over to her to keep her company while the other counselors dealt with the kids and their parents.
"Everything is going to be fine, Y/N" David reassured her many times but she had a gut feeling it was going to the opposite of fine.

The kids were having fun with their parents till the Mess Halls door banged open by a very angry looking man and a drunk woman.
"Where is she?!" The man shouted. Y/N recognized that voice straight away as her father. The sound of it made her skin as pale as a ghost. David (being the angel he is) walked over to the couple with a very forced smile.
"You must be-" he was interrupted by the woman.
"There's thaat bitch!" The woman slurred her words as she walked over to Y/N. "Why are you hiding here youu bitch!" Her mother raised her hand to smack her but she was stopped by Jasper.
"Now why would you hit her?"
"THIS BITCH RUINED OUR LIFES! SHE DESERVES TO BE HIT AND SHE DESERVES THAT SCAR ON HER ARM ASWELL" The man shouted as he was going to hit David but Daniel ran over and tripped him up. Jasper put the mother's hand behind her back so she couldn't do anything. Luckily Ereds dads were watching all of this. They stood up and took the two out into their van. David looked around for Y/N but she was no where to be seen. The counselors left the Mess Hall leaving the campers in awe.

The counselors all went the same way because David knew where she was. They walked with butterflies in their stomachs. They all worried about Y/N. They finally reached the edge of the forest where the H/L H/C haired girl was sitting, knees to her chest crying. All of them ran over to her with tears in all of their eyes. She was surprised when they all hugged her.
"Why do you guys care so much about me?" Everyone was quiet till David spoke up.
"Y/N you're the most creative girl around. You're sweet, kind, helpful and funny"
"You always put a smile on your face even if you're in a bad mood" Gwen spoke up.
"It even puts us into a better mood seeing your smile" said Jasper.
"Hell even when I was brainwashed I could see that you were the happiest one here!"
Y/N giggled a bit.
"Somehow even if you were badly treated you wanted everyone to be happy" Jen took Y/N hands and pulled her up.
"That's why you aren't going back with your parents. You are coming to live with us!"
Y/N started to cry again but not with sadness, with joy.
"Come here" David gestured towards the group. Y/N ran into their arms and they all hugged her back.

"We will never let anyone hurt you again"

Word Count: 734

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