Gwen x Reader

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I'm done my finals so I'm g
HEY ITS PRIDE MONTH AND IM BI AF ( hit me up) I'm joking

I've gotten into Heathers the Musical and I'm listening to Blue right now




Finally back at camp! David forced me to go take a couple days off... it was boring as fuck. Anyways, I heard about their fundraiser for QuarterMasters hook. Poor QuarterMaster, he loves his hook. Anyways I can't wait to see it! I saw on the poster there was going to be pizza aswell, which I'm wondering how they will pay for it...
It'll be great to see Gwen again!

3rd POV

Y/N was driving on the lone, desolate road which led to the camp. She arrived as she past under the Camp Campbell signed which had withered away a bit. The smell of pizza attracted her attention as she got out of her white car. Y/N followed the smell that led her to the stage. She turned the corner to see David and Gwen on the ground with people around throwing tomatoes at them. She ran to the rescue.
"EVRYBODY STOP!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Everybody snapped their necks to look at her, even poor David and Gwen. "WHAT IS GOING ON! I LEAVE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND SHIT HITS THE FAN" By this point, you could notice every person who was throwing tomatoes was beginning to scatter. Y/N started to walk over to the two while everybody left and campers went to their tents. She kneeled down to check for the injuries. "What happened?!" She asked as she helped David up.
"Max" Gwen said. Y/N understood everything then on.

She helped David to his cabin with Gwen. They opened the door and got the first aid and patched up his injuries. After they got his injuries done, they left him to rest and
Y/N helped Gwen to her cabin. She opened the door and helped her onto her bed. Y/N went for Gwen's first aid kit and found.. a letter? It had "Y/N" on the front. She put it into her pocket and went back to patch up Gwen. She got out the cleansing alcohol and put some on a tissue.
"This is gonna sting for a minute" Y/N put the tissue on a cut on her leg. Gwen squealed a bit but only for a second. She got the bandage and wrapped it around her leg. Gwen smiled after. "What are you smiling at?" Y/N giggled after. Gwen blushed a bit.
"I'm smiling at the fact, you came to my rescue and patched me up-" she put her hand on Y/N's face. "-My handsome/pretty knight to the rescue" Y/N felt a pair of lips touch her own. At first, she was surprised but kissed her back. The kiss was the right level of passionate, soft and rough. It lasted a good minute or so until the two had to come out for air. The two looked at each other for a couple seconds.
"So there is no question that you like me back?" Gwen broke the silence. Y/N blushed a bit.
"Well, no shit Sherlock" she laughed. She kissed Gwen on the cheek and waved her bye, leaving a flustered Gwen.

Bonus (cause I love ya)

Y/N got to her cabin and sat on her bed. She felt the piece of paper in her back pocket and took it out. She ripped the letter open to see a short enough paragraph which started:

Dear Y/N

You will see this letter as my last resort of telling you.. I like you. ALOT. More then just friends. If you don't feel the same way, I want to let you know you will still have a special place in my heart.

Love Gwen

Y/N smiled at the letter and put it into her drawer and went to sleep the happiest person in the world.

Word Count: 728

I wrote that first paragraph in my History Summer Final so... MY DEDICATION FOR YOU-
ANYWAYS if you are still here, comment if you are anything other than straight (no offense straights you can still comment)

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