I - Meet my best friend

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*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

I know I heard loud knocks but I love my sleep more than whoever it was distracting my----

*braaag, braagg!*

"Jo! Open the damn door!"

I groaned at the sudden loudness of the voice even louder than the banging of the door booming outside my apartment. I could feel my body still feeling lazy enough not to get up. As much as I hate it, I opened my eyes trying to get a glimpse of the digital clock.

Fucki--- it's only 7:14 a.m.!

My eyes fluttered as it adjust through the blinding light of the sunlight peeking at the navy blue curtains on the glass windows. Once more, I heard the door banged loudly and I cursed through my gritted teeth.

I picked up my deposited clothes beside my bed and put it on, never minding if I look well or not. At least, I look decent enough.

I head towards the door and I could heard the voice clearer.

"Jesus Christ, Joanna! Open this door or I will----"

It was cut off by the door opening as I reveal my lazy self.

"Bloody hell, Camden! Isn't too early to annoy me on my peaceful slumber? You could awaken all my neighbors in this tenament!"

The blonde woman in front of me just glared at me straight deadly. She pushed me inside my own apartment and welcome herself in.

"Wow. You're welcome." I mumbled sarcastically.

I expected for her to be seated comfortably on my sofa but, I found her standing intimidatingly and back to glaring at me.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Don't you pull that playing-stupid-innocent act on me!" She exclaimed.

My eyebrows furrowed and I believe I don't really have any idea what she's talking about.

"I don't know what you're talking about---"

The mad woman cut me off. "You told her about that one night, did you?"


She cut me off again and I'm close to losing my patience as well.

"Shay barge into my house yelling at me about cheating on her and I know it was you who told her! You're the only person with me when that happened. So, now tell me, what's wrong with you?!"

What? Did she just assumed that it was me without even asking? Well, she's doing the 'asking thing' right now though. Still, that hurts.

"First! Fucking first of all, shut your mouth and let me talk, okay?" I waited for her response and the blonde is huffing air like a raged bull. After a moment, she nodded and calms herself.

I breathed out, too.

"Now, everyone's calm. Let's sit down and talk like normal human beings, okay?"

She silently agreed and sat on her usual spot on the sofa and I sat on the other side, slightly afraid that she might strangle me.

"Now, talk." She demanded.

"I really have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't tell her anything about that night. Hell, I haven't even saw her for a month now. I rarely go outside and the last time I went outside was last Friday night. I went with some colleagues and that's it. No Shay or anyone with labels like 'Camden's previous'." I told her and she look at me like debating if I'm telling the truth or I don't know.

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