III - Preserving Two Lips

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( iii)


"Rise and shine, Jojo!" A cheerful voice boomed in my head.

Is Cammie inside my brain?

"Come on, Jo. Get up, now." I felt a light shake on my shoulder.

I groaned and pulled the sheets tighter. "Wanna sleep." I mumbled.

"Nope. You need to get up now. We have work today." She tried convincing me more with a nudge my shoulder again.

"You can go first. I wouldn't mind." I mumbled through the pillow although, I bet I do sound like I'm eating my pillow instead.

Cammie tried pulling the sheet from my face one more time. Then, followed by another push, and shake, then, she pulled the sheets off me again. I mean, tried to pull it off.

"Damn it, Jo. You're stubborn as hell!" She yelled and her words hit me like a wrecking ball.

I was literally hit by a soft wrecking ball, I mean pillow, that I almost fell off the bed.

"If you wouldn't get your ass off the bed now, I'll splash you with water next!" Cammie threatened and I almost run to the bathroom.

I groaned feeling a bit dizzy from getting up that fast. I started washing my face and brushing my teeth.

When I got out, the blonde was nowhere around my room. I anxiously opened the door and peek outside, afraid that she's onto some prank. When I finally thought it was clear, I stepped out and glanced everywhere. No signs of the blonde. I head towards the kitchen and found her busy with her phone while leaning on the counter.

"Hey, good morning." I greeted.

She looked up from her phone and smiled, brighter than the sun itself.

"G'morning to you, too. I thought I'm going to barge into your room again." She chuckled. "Now, since you're up, let's eat. I prepared some banana pancakes and coffee." She invited and take a seat.

I smiled and took a seat by her side. "I wouldn't mind waking up to these every morning. If you're going to be consistent with feeding me, I'll be up even before you know it." I jested. "And if I knew you're this kind of roommate, I would definitely have kick out Miles and Amy for you back then."

She laughed at that. "You know, if I weren't living with my ex that time, I would definitely loved to room with you. In fact, I proposed to living with you in one roof after we graduated from high school and after Amber and I broke up. Come to think of it, I asked you twice and you declined me. Wow. Just wow." She raised an eyebrow mocking me. "And you could've save me from a heartbreak from Amber."

I took a sip of my coffee while thinking about what she said. "Perhaps, maybe... but, still, if we decided to live together, I'll just be a cockblock to your lovelife since, you know, a couple living together is like two bunnies in love. It just keep on making babies." I joked and her reaction is priceless.

She almost spit on her coffee and now her mouth is hung open while staring at me in disbelief. "Did you just talk about my sex life? And you weren't gonna 'block' anything because I don't have that, and neither my ex, you moron!" She slapped my arm.

Strike one.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my pained arm but, can't help but still laugh. "Don't blame me though. You're the one who met someone during that summer grad party and the two of you just decided to be roommates so, who am I to interfere?"

"Oh my god. You are my best friend! And I asked you to be with me, I mean us." She retorted.

"Precisely. I am your best friend and it's not really pleasing to walk in to something I shouldn't have seen or some noise I shouldn't have heard."

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