XIX - The Loving

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"... to the hurting, thank you for teaching me that even if at night you take me into the deepest depth of the ocean, I will still wake in the morning.
... to the healing, thank you for the tears. When they finally came, they tasted like God.
... to the loving, you are even more beautiful than I remember. "


Actually, I expected a usual lame morning. I didn't expect to be woken up by a beaming light peeking through my gray curtains. I can't remember leaving that half open. I always cover my windows that's why I prefer thick dark-coloured curtains. But, no, my curtains decided to annoy my peaceful slumber. Groaning lightly, I turned myself around hiding from the greeting of the morning sun. Oddly enough, my body collided with something or rather someone other than my sheets. That made me snap out of my sleepiness. The last thing I want is to repeat my mistake of taking a stripper in my bed.

I pulled myself to sit up but, the person only pulled me down murmuring something inaudible. Familiar scent hits my nose and I instantly, calmed down. I let out a sigh followed by a smile that felt like I won a million dollar.

I spent the night beside the love of my life, that's why.

I let my body sunk down the mattress and let her drape her arms around my waist. I studied the woman beside me. Her golden hair were messy yet, I badly want to press my nose in it and get intoxicated with her sweet honey, flowery scent. Her lips are a little apart which just made me crave for a kiss so bad. I looked away and just gaze into her eyes before I get the idea of allowing my dirty thoughts invade me. Her perfect eyelashes only makes her eyes more beautiful. Then I noticed she has a little crease between her eyebrows. I can't help but to reach for it and wipe it away with my thumb. The gesture made her expression softens. After a while, those eyelids flutter open, revealing the emeralds I love the most.

"Good morning, green eyes." I found myself greeting her smilingly.

She was just staring at me and I suddenly felt self-conscious if she's aware enough that she slept in my bed with me. Oh god, is she having regrets now?

Her eyes widened seemingly like getting hit by realization as she took a quick peek under the covers and let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Damn, its just a dream."

My eyebrow raised at that.



I clarified this time. "What dream?"

"Oh, nothing." Her cheeks were blushed making me gaze at her questioningly. She waved a hand dismissively. "Don't mind me, I'm just hung up with sleep."

I found myself worrying if I woke her up too early. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to sleep. I'll just get up---"

I was about to get up but her hands prevent me from doing so. "No, don't go."

Her simple request feels like weighing more. I wasn't able to reply other than a simple nod. We were quiet afterwards, just watching each others eyes. Sometimes I dared myself to identify the blended colours of those orbs. It seems like gold at times especially, during mornings. I am so lovestruck. The serenity only made my heart beats loudly in my ear. I'm somehow scared that she might hear it and felt worried for me having palpitations which is clearly ironic 'cause I only feel warmth. After a few more beats, she was the first to break the silence.

"I think I'm craving for some waffles. Do you maybe want to grab some breakfast with me?" She asked with hopeful eyes and followed through. "Just if you don't have anything to do today."

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