X (Part i) - Opposites

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[Cammie's POV]


I have always daydreamed of having a healthy retirement days. White hairs, wrinkles, old skin, and memory loss, perhaps? All will fade and it's inevitable. That's what life does to us. But, regardless of those changes, I want my smile still be there in my lips. Happiness isn't defined by age, status, race, and gender; And all I want is to be happy when my time comes. 'Cause I always believe that life is too short. I don't wanna die of illness. I wanna live my life to the fullest and die of old age instead.

But, I must admit that happiness is sometimes not in the way things will be, or if I'm rich or anything I'm in possession of. Because as early as my young teenage days, I know that happiness could be a person. A person I want to hold hands until I close my eyes to an unending sleep.

People have 'ideal persons' and it's pretty normal, if you ask me. We all just have this dream person we wanna be with. I have that, too. But, you know what I realized? I don't look forward on finding my 'ideal person' because I want the 'right one'. The right person for us is sometimes the one we never imagined. Sharing the same hobbies, likes, dislikes, and other things are just one. The bigger thing on finding the right person is when the person shares the same soul. A person who knows when you're sad, angry, happy, or just when you need someone to talk to. When we want our thoughts be heard. Just because sometimes, it felt too loud or too silent, as if you can't even hear yourself anymore. The only person who could magically silence everything and all you can hear is their voice.

The voice that tells you that everything will be alright. And without second thoughts, you believe.

The only one who will make you on the top of their priorities. Regardless of what time and place it is. The one who wouldn't dare give up. Even when everything is all dark and hopeless. The best person.

Most often times, the least you're expecting is the one you're missing all these years. The one that will complete you. The person who will fill up those missing parts of you that you may or may not be aware of. Like when you look them in the eyes, they seem to have all the answers in the universe.

Because at times, we know deep inside, we felt incomplete, despite the smiles on our faces. The harder part is not knowing what makes you incomplete. And that's normal. Because that's why it's called a 'missing piece'. Only the right person could fill it and knows how to. Like yin and yang. Like dark and light. Moon and sun. Like perfect matching puzzle pieces.

Opposites by chances and purpose.


Soft lips.

Soft, sweet, tender lips that I have always been curious how it taste and feels like.

Right when her lips unites with mine, every ounce of doubt and cynical thoughts melted away.

Gentle and passionate. My new obsession now.

Reality indeed exceeds expectations. That's for sure.

But, never in my wildest dreams, that I imagine myself reciprocating with the same passion and with the same vigor.

When the heart wins over the mind. Every bits of rationality evaporates.

If this is a dream, I'll succumb to sleep forever. Unfortunately, it's not. Consciousness came rushing on me as everything registered to my senses.

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