Prompts - (Not An Update But Please Read)

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-Prompt 1 - (Temporary title:  Morbus)
  - Apocalypse; Human Race vs Undead;
POV's change in Four Bases
  - Jammie/Camren Fanfic

"I am infected, Scott! Just shoot me!"   I ordered the blonde who's walking fast ahead of me. But, of course, the hard-headed woman doesn't even flinch from the tone of my voice.

"Shut the fuck up, Joanna! I'm not doing it!"

"Are we gonna wait until I become a monster?! Don't be stubborn, Scott!"    I exclaimed and held her arm halting her to stop. Making us face to face.

She held an intense gaze and uttered without any hesitation in her eyes.    " and that's final!"

She pulled away and continued walking down the tunnel. Water freely flowing through the level of our heels. I can feel my wound stinging more but, I'm more worried about the certain blonde with me. She's being irrational right now. And my patience is wearing thin. I wanted to snap and just kill myself already. But everytime I see those eyes, I coward off. However, I'd rather be dead than to be a rabid monster and worse, be part of the horrible race that will extinct humanity. I am not risking a life. Not anyone. Especially her. I will do anything to protect her, even if it cause my life.

I sprinted ahead of her and blocked her way. But, she kept on pushing me away and my anger got the best of me.    "Goddamn hell! Don't you get it?! Time is ticking! I'm gonna be a zombie. I will not be in my state of mind and I will kill you instead. "  I paused, just looking in her eyes as I spoke more softly.   "So, kill me now before it's too late."

She went quiet and before any words left her lips, tears run down her cheeks. Enough to make my walls crumble down. From the way she gaze at me, I know she can't do it but, something in me still hope she could. Or I will shoot myself before my veins turn blue.

A hand gripped my army jacket firmly, and I actually thought she'll gonna end me now. But, it turns out, she knows another way to shut down my brain better than myself. Her lips connected with mine---- warm, sweet, hot, and deadly. It always feel like the first time. I am not sure if this woman is aware that she has me wrapped around her finger. I was about to deepen the kiss but, she pulled away much to my dismay. I can see the frustration and pain lurking in her eyes as she spoke this time.

"Then, fucking bit me."


-Prompt 2 - (Temporary title:  Nox / Aevum)
  - Dystopian;  Life is Time and Death is Sleep;
Destined Soulmates; Love against all odds
  - No one's POV

"Cam---  "   Joanna groaned in pain and she can feel the blood oozing from the side of her head. From the state she was in, she assumed her legs are crushed now.     "---- shit! That fucking hurts!"

"Jo... listen..."   A faint voice from the love of her life snaps her out of the pain she was in.

"Cammie, please hold on. Don't close your eyes. I will get us out of here."   Joanna tried pushing herself out but nothing bulge. But, she was glad that one of her hand could reach the blonde who's now struggling to breathe. Cammie's forehead bleeds badly and it's evident in her face that she's struggling to keep herself awake.

"Jo... promise me, y--you'll find me again? Same place, Joanna. S--Same park."   She coughed blood and Joanna heart aches worse.     "I--- I will know it's you... even if you don't look the s---same. I --- my heart.. will know.Always."

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