VI (Part 1) - Jabbie rises?

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How to prepare for a date?

Step 1: Wake up early.

Step 2: Panic.

Step 3: Panic more.

Step 4---- Woah-kay. I'm having enough panic episodes for today. I'm flipping my room upside down just to find my favorite jeans! Hell, I'm not even sure if I should wear jeans! I'm close to losing my mind! God! Where did I left my brain when I badly needed it the most? It feels like I've never been to at least one date where in fact I'm---- wait.

This isn't a date.

Fuck me.

I heavily sighed and slumped down my messed up bed. I palmed my face and shut my eyes.

"Jesus. Help me."   I mumbled to myself.   "Why am I so tensed? What's got into me?"

I ran my fingers through my short hair. My eyes went to the mirror just in front of me. I stared at myself due to boredom and the fact that I'm super conscious about simply going out with a friend.

"How can I forget the fact that this isn't a date?"  I sighed heavily.  "Gabbie is just a colleague. Or maybe just a friend. Just that. Nothing more than that."  I chanted to myself again.

I glanced at the digital clock beside the desk lamp and I still got pretty much time to prepare and grab myself a light breakfast.

I jumped off the bed and head to the shower and start my morning routine. I can't help but overthink if Liza is right about Gabbie. Am I that oblivious? She seemed just friendly and sweet however, if Liza is correct then I must be giving her false signals. I mean, Gabbie is beautiful and she's like the perfect girlfriend type or something.

I suddenly heard Liza's voice inside my head.

         'But, she's not your best friend. That's why.'

         'Gabbie is sweet and kind and blah blah but, you just can't see her more than a friend just because you're still head over heels with somebody who has no idea you're hopelessly in love with her.'

Hold that thought.

I'm not in love. That's for sure. I might be still hooked with these previous feelings because I tend to compare every woman with her but, it doesn't mean that I don't find anybody else attractive.

After shower, I began rummaging in my closet finding whatever pleasing to wear. I initially planned on wearing a white v-neck printed shirt that says 'I live under a rock'. But then, I suddenly felt like wearing a black top and a blue flannel. Mess aside, I end up putting on a black printed shirt that has a skull icon. I paired it with my black skinny jeans and black converse shoes. I put on a light make-up but, not too much since I'm not really a fan of make-ups. I glanced at the mirror and check myself out.

Casual and... black.


Before I could start to overthink again and question what I'm wearing, I drag myself out of my room after I grabbed everything I need. I entered the living room and saw Cammie watching tv while eating skittles.

"Hey."  I greeted and got her attention from the tv.

"Oh, hi. Today's your date, right?"  Her voice is kinda hoarse and I can't help but furrowed my eyebrows on that.

"Are you sick, Cam?"  I asked away instead.

She shook her head lightly.  "Not really. Just a sore throat."

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