chapter 16: drama

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isabella's P.O.V

school was now over, I never went to my classes and it's all Daimian's fault. I'm torn, I don't know what to do, should I tell the guys? I was waking towards the schools exit and then I see Gerard's car parked outside. I smiled at him weakly and hopped inside. he returned me the smile but then it faded one he noticed I was down.

Gerard:"how was school?"


gosh stuttering is the worst!! I tried holding back the tears, just thinking about what daimian did to me in the janitors closet makes me sick and weak. you probably might think this is really stupid to be hurt over some plain kiss but to me, it means a the bad way...I hope that makes sense to you...

Gerard:"are you ok?"

Isabella:"yea I'm am, I'm totally fine.. " *sniff and sighs*

Gerard:"bells look at me."

he says as he holds my chin to make me look at him, I obeyed his orders and saw his beautiful hazel eyes.

Gerard:"did anything happen at school?"

Isabella:"no no of course not...I'm just glad I met new friends here..."

I said but he didn't buy it, he kept starring at me and I looked down as I played around with my hands and see a tear drop fall. I hear the car door slam shut and noticed Gerard rushing towards the office, I gasp and follow him.

I enter the school into the office and I hear Gerard speaking to the office lady.

Gerard:"is there a kid named daimian here?"

lady:"uh let me see...yes. daimian lloyd and daimian Johnson. which one are you looking for?"

she says as she shows him pictures of the daimians. daimian's last name is Johnson. let's just hope that G picks the right one. on the photo, daimian was wearing his jock jacket and the other daimian was just a simple nerd with glasses.

G says thank you to the lady and walks out without noticing me. I was about to follow him but i hear someone call my name.

styles:"hey Bella! what's up?"

Isabella:"um...lots of things."

I told him the whole story about daimian and he gasped. I was telling him about the part where Gerard walls in here but then we see people rushing outside with their cameras. I looked at styles confused and he was doing the same, we started making our way thro the crowd and we see Gerard arguing with daimian, he looked super mad and was pushing him around while daimian did the same.


daimian:"nothing dude, your just over reacting!!"

Gerard:"I know you did something to her, why do you think she comes home sad everyday!! she tells me nothing because she's scared of you!!!"

daimian:"wrong. she tells you nothing because I've never done anything bad to her!"

he says, Gerard gave him a death stare then punched his jaw, everyone began taking videos while Gerard and daimian fight with each other. Gerard gave his last punch and then grabbed him by his jacket, daimian's nose was bleeding and his jaw was pink.

Gerard:"stay away from her, or your gonna get hurt."

he says as the crowd began clapping,cheering and whistling. I said bye to styles and followed Gerard to the car. once we were in he turned on the engine and drove away. on the road we were really quiet, I could tell he was still angry by the way he looked.

Isabella:" thanx...for what you did back there..."

Gerard:"it's fine."

Isabella:"you didn't...have to do that.."

Gerard:"just let me ask you one thing...what did he do to you? honest."

Isabella:"...he kissed me then...he threatened to kill me if I told anyone..."

I said and he immediately pressed on the breaks to stop driving then turned to look at me.

Gerard:"are you serious?"

I nod with sadness while looking down at my hands, Gerard rubs his fingers thro his hair while sighing.

Isabella:"G I'm scared...I don't know what to do with my life...I wish it would all just stop...what's gonna happen when I see him at school tomorrow?... what will people say..."

I said as I looked down at my hands while tears stream down my cheek. he was looking at my direction and he grabbed my hand.

Gerard:"I won't let him hurt you. I won't let him lay a finger on you...ill talk to your principal about him and she'll have him suspended."

Isabella:"no..I can't have him suspended for something silly."

Gerard:"bells nothing is silly when you don't like just gotta...sing it for the world to make them understand how it feels I guess."

I nod while still looking down. after about a few more minutes, I rested my head on the seat and sighed.

Isabella:"I can't believe I'm new to the school and the year is almost over."

Gerard:"how long?"

Isabella:"in 3 weeks."

Gerard:"at least you'll be free."


Isabella:"hey can we not tell Frank about this...I'm already getting tired of too much drama in one day..I will tell him but just another day."

Gerard:*smiles* "sure."


Gerard: "promise."

he says as he holds out his pinky for me to shake, I smile and wrapped my pinky around his and shaked on it.

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