chapter 26: I'll be like your guardian angel

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Gerard's P.O.V

after the guys got done with daimian we drove home but since it was 6 of us, someone had to go in the trunk and that 'someone' was Frank. Bob had to move back to his hometown to take care of a relative do that makes us four plus jamia and bells.

we arrive at frank's house and once we arrive Bella heads straight to her room. frank sighed and sat on the couch and ran his fingers thro his hair as he sighed. everyone sat down with him and started to cheer him up but I didn't. instead I headed upstairs to where Bella is.

I opened her door and I see her sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest as she holded a stuffed teddy bear. I closed the door behind me and sat next to her.

Gerard:"you ok?"

Isabella:"well better than earlier..


Isabella:"I can't imagine what would be like if you guys didn't save me...I know he didn't do much but if you guys didn't arrive he would have..."

Gerard:"look at me."

I said as I held her chin. she obeyed my orders as her eyes were getting misty.

Gerard:"you're here now. safe. you don't have to think about what could've happen because that will only haunt you long as I'm alive, you'll be safe. ill be like you're guardian angel."

I said and as she chuckled and looks down then back at me.

Gerard:"ill never let anyone hurt you..but if they do they'll regret it...things will get better my darling. I promise."

I said, she nods and I kissed her as she kissed me back. we pulled apart and I hugged her as she rested her head on my chest. we lay there in bed until the door opens revealing Frank. he sighed and gave a light smile, bella stands up and rushes over to him and gives him a tight hug as he hugged her back.

frank:"I'm so glad you're back. I was worried sick."

Isabella:"I'm glad two. but I'm ok now."

frank:"good. thank god you're out of school, other wise me and the guys would have to walk around school with you."

he says and she laughs. I missed seeing her laugh.

please read the authors note! :)

ok, so like I said on the other short chapters, sorry for ending it that short cx I wanted to update a little too keep you guys posted :) and as some you know, this book will soon be ending. any one up for a sequel or nah??

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