chapter 9: dinner with a friend

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Gerard's P.O.V

me and Bella were still under the rain making out until she pulled away and our foreheads were touching.

Isabella:"we should go.."

Gerard:"nah, I like it here besides I still owe you our date."

Isabella:"you have a girlfriend Mr. Way."

she said as she teases me.

Gerard:"ok then think of it as a....dinner with a friend."

*Isabella laughs*

her laugh is so gorgeous, I laugh too and then she nods and we get inside my car.

-at restaurant-

me and Bella take a seat And then the waiter comes by and gives us menus.

waitress:"hi my name is Emelia and I'll be your server tonight. are you two ready to order?"

author's note: yes it's emelia from 'the (our) paranormal life'

Gerard:"um I think we need a few minutes to think about it."

Emelia:"ok well when you need me just ring this bell."

she says as she hands us a bell and leaves.

Gerard:"so you know what you want?"

Isabella:"yes, I want ribs...and Nachos *laughs*"

Gerard:*laughs* "you know the plates are huge right?"



Isabella:"what a girls gotta eat *laughs* besides I havnt eaten since you're breakfast this morning."

Gerard:*laughs* "true..ok."

I said as I grabbed the bell and ringed it. once I ringed it, we see Emelia on her way.

Emelia:"ok what would you two like?"

Gerard:"the lady would like ribs and Nachos with a strawberry margarita with no alcohol."

I said and Bella forms her mouth into an 'O'

Gerard:"and I'll have a salad with another margarita."

Isabella:"oh come on, a salad? really?"

gosh you know me so well.

Isabella:"the man will have carne asada fries please."

Emelia:"ok so ribs, nachos, carne asada fries and two virgin margaritas..ill be back with your orders."

she said as she leaves with the menus.

Gerard:"what did you order for me?"

Isabella:"carne asada fries."

Gerard:"what is that?"

Isabella:"you're kidding me right?"

Gerard:*laughs* "no."

Isabella:"when the food comes you're gonna thank me."



Gerard:"you're so beautiful."

I said and see her look away blushing and laughing.

Isabella:"you're beautiful too Mr.Way"

Gerard:*laughs* "yea I know, but you're prettier than me."

Isabella:"you're making me blush on purpose aren't you?"

got caught.


Isabella:"oh my gosh *laughs*"

she says as she covers her face with her hands then puts them down just giving me a 'i'm gonna get you' look. *laughing mentally* oh bells you're too cute.

pretty soon or food arrived, my plate looked yummy, it had fries with pieces of meat and sour cream, cheese, guacamole and tomatoes. maybe she's right, maybe I will like it. Bella just looks at me excited waiting for me to take a bite.


Isabella:"take a bite..I wanna see your reaction."

ok well to be honest now i know how it feels like when I look at Frank while he's eating and he tells me to stop, it's embarrassing...

I sticked my fork into my food and took a bite...*chewing* bells....thank you for showing me the doorway to heaven!!


Gerard:"you're amazing with food choices, you know that right."

Isabella:*laughs* "thankyou, thank you, I know. I'm a genius. *laughs*"

she says as she starts eating her meal.

author's note: Sorry if this chapter made you hungry, I'm hungry right now and have no clue what to eat :/

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