five: who are you?

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Btw y'all thank annoyedfinn for this cuz they harassed my comments so I posted 😂

Btw y'all thank annoyedfinn  for this cuz they harassed my comments so I posted 😂

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chapter five of the good girl.
"who are you?"

My head is banging as I jump around the dance floor to one of my favourite songs (uh huh Julia Michaels) with a drink in my hand. So much for a good girl! He wants to test me? I can be bad!I'll show him a bad girl!

Suddenly a hand pats my shoulder.
I turn round to reveal a girl with shoulder length brown hair, deep brown eyes and a cute little smile.
Omg! It is not... Oh it is!

"Rowan!" I say pulling my cousin into a tight hug!"

"Wow mills! I did not expect to see you here!" The perky brown head says.

"Neither would I! Partying isn't usually my thing..." I state honestly.

"So how do you know Jacob?" She questioned.

"Oh! Ahh right! We go to the same school how about you?" I ask.

"Oh! He's my boyfriend's best friend!" She says laughing.

"Wow there's a lot we need to catch up on!" I say truthfully.

"Yes! I believe there is!" She says.
"Starting with... who's that boy over there?" She says pointing over to who I recognise as Finn.

"Oh! Uh that's F-Finn...why?" I say.

"No! You're not getting it! Who is he to you?" She says jokily.

I blush rapidly.

"Umm... he's... he's no one." I say smiling at the ground.

"Are you sure about that? Because he's giving you major heart eyes..." she laughs.

I look over at Finn and he smirks at me.

"One second!" I say to my cousin as I approach Finn.

"Fancy seeing you here!" He says

he's drunk.

"Finn, sweet pea. You've already seen me here today." I say.

"Oh shutup pretty girl!" He says laughing.

"Pretty girl? Who are you Finn Wolfhard!"

"I'm a totally irresistible boy who's falling slowly for a totally gorgeous girl!" He says joyfully.

"Finn you're drunk!" I say.

"Yeah and you need to loosen up!" He says.

"I am loosened up! I'm a bad girl remember!"

"Bad girl my butt!" he jokes.

"Oh yeah!-" I say filling up my cup.

"Yeah!" He says.

"Oh so would a good girl do this?" I say leaning up to him and grabbing his shirt in my hands before breathing in, pulling my face and his face so close that our noses touch. I go to kiss him but I don't I just graze our lips past each other teasing him before taking a sip of my drink raising my eyebrows and walking away leaving him breathless.

See! I told you two can okay that game!

I glance back at him flirtatiously noticing he's still in the same position I left him, his shirt still slightly scrunched. I loved that I had this effect on him.

Sadie's POV

I glance around the room for Millie when I notice she's standing next to Finn! Yes!

I notice she gets slightly close to him as she grips his shirt goes to kiss him but doesn't. She just walks away teasing him.

WOO! That's my bestfriend! You go girl!

I realise she's approaching me and a smile at her.
"Wow Millie! Way to go! You remembered what I told you. She nods.

"Ok now repeat it after me. Boys are like toys, easy to play with, if you know how."

"Boys are like toys easy to play
with, if you know how." she repeats.

"Good girl!" I joke.

"Really why does everyone call me that?!" She says ruling her eyes and huffing.

"Shutup! Let's go find the bathroom I need to freshen up my makeup!" I say.

"Okeydokey!" She says in her extremely British accent.

Double update lol you're welcome.

- T xo

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