thirteen: tell her.

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chapter thirteen of the good girl

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chapter thirteen of the good girl.
"i'm going to tell her."

Finn's POV

Light streams through Millie's half open blinds as my eyes open slowly.
Looking beside me I see a peaceful Millie. Perfection in all she is.

A beautifully crafted masterpiece, she puts paintings to shame. I can't take my eyes off the gorgeous human that lies before me. Her messy shoulder length hair. Her perfect pink kissable lips. And her rosy cheeks, to match her rosy personality.

You may be wondering why I'd describe Millie as a rose. Well a rose shields itself with guard petals and thorns for protection. If handled too roughly, it bruises easily, so this flower must be handled with the utmost respect and care, like Millie.

I had grown to like Millie's soft personality. She was pure, perfect and precise. But after all, I was being selfish. Using Millie for my own well-being was selfish. And I notice that now. Maybe she's too perfect for me.
As of the last few days of being with Millie, I've came to a realisation.
I not only liked her, but I was afraid I was falling in love with her.
And it was just all to selfish.

I am falling in love with Millie Brown.

I slowly lifted her pale pink duvet cover off of my legs and hopped out of her bed. I glanced towards the clock she had in her bedside table. 05:15 am

Beside her bed is a pad and a pen.
I pick them up and write a note before ripping it out and folding it.
I place it under the pillow and give her a last glance. I slipped on my shoes and I walked towards her door.

"Bye Millie." I whispered
before leaving and closing it behind me.

I'm going to tell her.

Millie's POV

"Millie, this isn't right!"

"But it feels so right! I like you, a lot! Heck! I might even love you!"
I looked the freckled boy right in his eyes.

"Don't tell me you don't feel the same!" I said my eyes filled with tears and something else.

"I'm sorry, but I don't!"

A hurt expression painted on my face as my eyes locked with his.



"How could you do this?"


"You lead me on!"

"Millie! Mills! Wake up! You're going to be late!"



My eyes bust open tears escaping like a waterfall as I realise it was all a nightmare.

"It's ok it wasn't real!"

But maybe some of it was. Maybe I did love him. Maybe he doesn't feel the same. Sweat trickled down my forehead, and my hands were clammy at the thought. I rocked back and forth as my bestfriend held me in her arms.

"Shh, its ok. It's ok."

Sobs escape my mouth.

"It's ok it was just a nightmare. It's ok." She said comfortingly.

After I calmed down I looked over to the other side of my bed where Finn had previously been sleeping.

My sobs only increase when I see that he's not there.

"Where's-where's Finn?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Sadie asks oblivious to fact Finn stayed last night.

"Where is he? He stayed last night."

"Oh, I'm not sure! I got here about 20 minutes ago so he must've gone before I got here." Sadie says.

Oh. I guess he really did mean what he said last night. Perhaps our kiss hadn't meant anything to him.nBesides, Finn could have any girl he asked for with the flicker of a light! So why would he choose me? The schools good girl.

I lay back down and notice a note underneath the pillow he slept on
I pick it up and begin to read.

'Meet me at mine, 5:15 sharp. We need to talk - fw xx'


ummm this could either go very wrong, or very right. place your bets.

- tia

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