twent four: half a heart

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chapter twenty-four of the good girl

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chapter twenty-four of the good girl.
"half a heart without you."

he had called me eventually, after I had waited for two days. he called me and it was brief but he had told me that he had made dinner reservations for us in a fancy place that his mother had taken him to once when he was thirteen. he told me they served pizza to die for, soon correcting himself as he remembered my strong disliking towards the bland dough and puréed tomatoes scattered with cheese and shoved in an oven.  sometimes i feel like he doesn't no me at all, other times i feel like he's the one person that knows me best on this world. it's all quite strange, but it makes sense in a weird kind of way.

i hope things will be different with finn and i this time. i hope he finally sees what is wrong and right in this world. god, he has being intolerable down. i hope he realises that it's wrong to lead girls on then kiss another right in front of them or that he shouldn't say certain things and he should think before he talks. and most of all, i hope he knows that it's wrong to have sex with girls who's thoughts are too clouded to gather what they are doing and to be even somewhat sensible. wether they initiated it or not.

i know im probably thinking irrational right now, because after all, finn is just a boy. a boy that im expecting such high standards of. it isn't good to hope for things to be different. and now that i think of it, i probably wouldn't change a thing between finn and i. i love him and i know that for certain now and i hope that he does too.


it is coming close to eight and im supposed to be at the restaurant by half past. i have completed my makeup to perfection and my outfit was pre-planned by none other than the best. (maddie, sadie & lilia)

i wonder for a split second if i should take my keys, but if all goes well tonight, i don't think ill be coming home.

i slip on my heals, and take one last look in the mirror by my front door to see if my hair and makeup looks okay. i sigh satisfactory, i don't look amazing. but i look endearing and approachable and i guess that's all that matters. i open the door, the frost wind instantly nipping at my nose, and i begin my 15 minute walk to the place i should be meeting finn.

it is now 8:45. finn has yet to arrive. but he's only 15 minutes late and so im giving him the benefit of the doubt.

9:10. finn is now 40 minutes late and i have landed him 6 miss calls and four messages but he is not picking up.

10:05. i am tired of waiting. my legs are hurting from the amount of pacing i have done and my self confidence is at its all time low because of the amount of people who have gave me pitiful looks. i can't handle this anymore.

i deserve an explanation it's the least he could do. but i haven't even gotten that. so after 5 minutes of pacing up and down his street, i finally gather the confidence to walk up his driveway and knock on his door.

i wish i hadn't. i really wish i hadn't. because when the door had opened, i hadn't been greeted with who i hoped to be greeted by.

"millie?" iris said.
and that was it for me. i know there was nothing that he could possibly say to make me forgive him now. he had done it again. he had took the last fragments of my heart and he had shattered them into a million pieces and now i was left with less than half a heart worth of shards to even create a whole.

"millie. it's really not what you think-." she began.

"don't tell me what i know iris. i know what this looks like. and i know what this is. i was stupid to come here. i don't know what i was expecting? maybe an extensive apology or a warm hug. i don't know. but i know that i was being stupid. are you satisfied iris? are you both? is this what you wanted the whole time? to break the unbreakable girl? the good girl? do you reckon it stroked his ego to know he had that much power over someone? that he had be trembling at my knees under his stupid love spell, or did it sicken him to the core? i guess we'll never really know though will we, because it turns out i never really knew him at all. thanks for helping me notice that iris.
that's it for me now. im just another of those stupid girls who meant nothing to him. i mean nothing to him. i never did."

The End.

Okay wow it's over. Well sort of, there's still an epilogue to go and i promise you guys everything will make sense when you read it. A lot of you have some theories that you have messaged me about, and I'm just going to say it. None of you are close. Except for one. Pay attention to detail. Specifically these: finn said that his parents broke up because they fell out of love... but is that really true? Millie caught finn running out of the locker room in pain, maybe not for the reason you thought it was. Finn didn't show up to the date. Why would that be? He didn't answer the door with iris. So maybe something happened? Why did iris really kiss finn? Was it because she just wanted to hurt millie it is there a deeper reason?

Yeah, so take a long think about that. leave your theories in the comments or dm me.

Things are about to get wild.

— tia xo

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