eleven: interruption.

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chapter eleven of the good girl

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chapter eleven of the good girl.

Millie's POV

I sighed as I let Sadie in.
Of course she was interrupting something. I was just about to have my first kiss! With my second crush. And this would be our third time nearly kissing.

"So..." she said.

"What." I ask.

"Could I talk to you privately?"

"No it's fine whatever you want to say, you can say in front of Finn."

"Oh- uh okay?" He says.

"So you remember that boy from a few years back, Romeo?"

Of course I remember him, how could I forget! My first crush, my first heartbreak.

"Yes what about him?"

"Well he likes you!"

Really after everything that happened.

"Oh... um okay so?"

"Well he asked me, to ask you if you'll go in a date with him!" No no no.
I look at Finn as I see the pain in his eyes. I couldn't do that to him.

"Well the answer is no." I say
Finn lets a breath I didn't even realise he was holding,

"Ok." She says

"I'll text him now."

I look at Finn and he smiles at me.

"You know, you two are really cute.
It's like bad boy meets princess."

"Really! Why does everyone call me that!" I say.




"Princess!" They tease.

"Anyways that's the only reason I came!" She says.


"You could've texted me instead!" I say aggravated.

"So I was interrupting something?"

"Yes." I sigh Finn not interrupting me this time.

"No way! Were you two...?" Sadie starts.

"No we weren't making out!" Finn says.
"Nearly." I say quite enough for them not to hear me.

"Have you even kissed yet?" She asks laughing loudly.

"No..." I say.


She looks at Finn.

"In most situations I'd be proud of you! But in this case, get a move on." She says scoffing.

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