seven: can i kiss you?

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chapter seven of the good girl

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chapter seven of the good girl.
"can i kiss you?"

Finns POV

I was still upset with Millie and I didn't really want to be doing this.

Being in a closet with Millie, alone, would lead to- I don't even want to say it... nevertheless the small brown-eyed girl gripped my sweaty ass hand as I directed her to the closet.

When we stepped in there, the door immediately slammed shut and the lock twisted. Shit! They locked us in.
We were going to be in here longer than expected.

"Fi-" she starts.

"Don't." I say.

I don't want this to happen.
You know, kiss? Don't get my wrong I do want to kiss her but right now, we're drunk. It would be meaningless.

"What'd I do?" She asks scared.

"N-nothing... just leave it."

"Finn..." she says putting her hand in my shoulder, sending chills to rush down my back erratically. I had never felt like this with any girl.

"Don't do this Millie." I said, painfully.

"I don't understand."

"Don't do things that make me want to kiss you." I say.

She looks taken back by my statement but quickly it vanishes.

"You-you... want to kiss me..."

"That's not what I meant."

"Oh yeah. Then what did you mean?" She says a little distressed.



"I hate you." I say roughly.

"What is wrong with you!" She snaps back angrily.

"Nothing!" I yell.

"Then why are you acting so weird. One minute you like me, the next you can't stand me. It's messing my head up!"

"Oh... I'm sorry didn't you know I was weird? Well yeah. I'm weird, I'm a weirdo."

"Finn! Stop acting like this!"

"Well for starters Millie you just nearly bloody kissed me! Do you know how annoying it is to have the girl you like stand in front of you and nearly kiss you but doesn't! Because she just wants to toy with your emotions!"

She looks to the ground, tears threatening to pour out of her once happy, brown eyes that are now filled to the rim with hurt and sorrow.

Millie's POV

I guess Sadie was right.

Boys are like toys, easy to play with if you know how.

But the thing is, Finn isn't any boy.
He is a boy that's been loved, a boy that's been broken, a boy that usually doesn't show emotions. But deep down his emotions thriving. They're tearing him apart. He's used to getting any girl he wants, with just a wink he has them right? because that's what bad boys are like... I guess I wouldn't know. And admittedly, I'm not any girl. After all, I'm a good girl, and always will be.

(pshhhh I'm not foreshadowing)

"Millie- I'm- I'm really sorry..."
He says as tears pour down his freckled face.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that." I say honestly.

I hate to see him upset.
I wipe his tears from his face my hand lingering on his cheek.
Slowly I see his eyes trail down to my lips.

Finns POV

She keeps her hand on my cheek as I look at her perfect lips.
They glistened even though it was really dark.

Would it be wrong to kiss her right now, would that make me a selfish boy? A stupid boy? I don't think that would make me a stupid boy, right?

She had beautiful lips, beautiful features, she was perfectly perfect.
I'm so tempted to kiss her. She looked really kissable. I just had a sudden urge, like I needed to feel her lips against mine. Like everything would fall into place if we did.

But after all we're drunk... well at least I am. Just a little. But would it be so wrong? I can't help but want her.
Should I ask her? No. That's stupid.

Screw it.

"Millie? Can I kiss you?" I say regretting it immediately after I let it slip out of my lips.

"Finn... no. Not now at least. I- I don't want to kiss you whilst I'm sitting in a cold, dark closet and drunk. Iwon't remember it. Come tomorrow and I won't remember a thing."

"Ok." I say understandably.
I agree with her anyway.

It will happen.

Soon enough 😂

-Tee ❤️

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