twelve: button nose.

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(Read the bit at the end!)

chapter twelve of the good girl

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chapter twelve of the good girl.
"button nose."

Finn's POV

I leave another kiss on her forehead but this time letting it linger. I hesitate but then I kiss her again in between her eyebrows causing them to furrow cutely. But I don't stop there. I carry on kissing down onto her nose. Her little button nose. She scrunched it up a little and giggled. I stared into her beautiful eyes, they were gorgeous. Tinted with ambers and hazels and coppers. Suddenly my heart rate fastened as I noticed how close I was from her lips. Just a little closer and I would finally be kissing Millie.

I lean in a little and hesitate but I can't take it anymore. Our lips collide and butterflies flutter through my stomach.

No. Scrap that. More like birds.
Birds fly around my stomach as we kiss not daring to pull away. Every second of it feels as if it's a year. Our soft lips move slowly. Eventually we pull away but her face is barely centimetres away from mind. She looks up at me still so close that her hot breath fans my cheek as i try to catch my breath.

Not letting me finish she leans in for another kiss this time deepening it, it's more harsh and demanding than before but I like it. See? bad Millie.

She pushes our lips together as they move in sync. My hands travel to her waist and I grip it tightly as her hands go around my neck.bHow was she so good at this, this wasn't like any other kiss I've shared. This certainly wasn't her first.

Suddenly we're moving as I stumble and trip up on my own feet and we fall back onto her bed. I'm lying almost on top of her as we burst into a fit of laughter. I get up a little flustered.
Well this is embarrassing.

"Kissing sucks!" She shouted laughing,

"I didn't mean to trip up! And besides it wasn't that bad!"

"Wow and you said I'm graceless! Just shut up Finn!" She teases.

"Sorryy! then it's me and you both Millie!!" I say laughing.

(Who gets it?)

"Coming from the one who tripped on their own feet!"

"Aww is little miss sunshine upset her first kiss went wrong?" I joke sneakingly, yet knowingly.

"How did you know it was my first kiss?" She says looking more serious.

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