ten: splashed paint.

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chapter ten of the good girl.
"splashed paint on her skin."

Finn's POV

School finished over 3 hours ago now and I was supposed to be straight home. But thoughts are running through my little brain as I study the impeccably cute girl who's sat beside me on a bright pink bean bag, her eyes glued to the tv like there's no tomorrow. Firstly, how is she so beautiful? Secondly, how does she make me feel like this? I've known this girl for a little over three weeks and I'm already crazy for her. Heck, I might even have some love for her. The way her short hair falls bouncily down her neck. The way her button nose crinkles when she smiles. And her laugh that brings butterflies to belly in an instant.

I'm starting to feel less selfish, now it's not like I'm using her right? Because I actually like her. I'm shocked I haven't kissed her already, I would've kissed any other girl on the first day. But I just have a strange amount of respect for Millie, and I would never do that to her. We haven't spoke about the party since it happened and I'm curious to if she remembers. I'm hoping she doesn't remember anything that happened in the closet.

"Hey Millie?"


"Do you remember anything from that party?" I asked. And god was I praying she said no. I didn't like the on edge feeling in my chest that she remembered it all. She remembered every word and every touch.

"No not really, just the important stuff."

"Important stuff?"

"I remember you had to kiss jack because that was just the funniest and I remember us having to go in the closet..."

"Do you remember anything that happened in the closet."

"Yes, just a bit... like I remember you asked to kiss me, I can't remember what I said but I'm guessing I said no, because I'd've remembered if we kissed. Right?"

"Yeah, right."

"And too believe you haven't asked again!" She laughs.

"No I wouldn't!"

"Why? Am I not kissable?" She laughs jokingly.

"No-no I'd love to kiss you!" I sputter out.

"Really now?" She says with a huge smirk on her face. She knows what she's doing to me. My face turns a light shade of red and I hoped to god she didn't notice. Too late. She grinned at me, her eyes meet mine, but I break it instantly.

"Aww, look who is blushing!" She said.
God I could if just kissed her right there and then. I wanted to kiss her and then tell her how I know her favourite book. I know her go to coffee order and how she would run her hand through her hair every now and then. I wanted to tell her that I had memorised the pale freckles on her skin and how they reminded me of tiny splashes of paint. I wanted to tell her that I would be there for her whenever she needed it. Even on the bad days too. She was, she is my entire world. God I'm crazy for her.

"You know, I only said I didn't want to kiss you whilst I was drunk and in a closet. And unless I'm going mad, we're not drunk or in a closet. Soo...."

I looked into her eyes. Somewhere along the way, I'm not sure exactly when, but I began to fall in love with her and everything that she was. I fell in love with the way that she would accidentally let out a snort when she laughed and then get extremely embarrassed.

I fell in love with her chipped nail polish and her dimples when she smiled. The way that she would stir her drink absentmindedly and when she crinkled her toes into my chest when she wanted something. But it wasn't just that; I loved how she held her hand in that peculiar way behind her neck, rubbing it when she was in deep thought. And the way she would have a little hop in her step when she was happy. How she would jokingly wink at me, and how she would look at me. She looked at me like I held the world in my hands. She looked at me like I was everything she ever needed.

"Does that mean I can-"

"I guess..." she says a little more nervously.

I lean in slowly. Our lips are almost about to touch. I'm almost about to kiss Millie Brown. The good girl. How is this even-


I was almost about to kiss Millie Brown.

She jumps up and shoots me and apologetic look. I smile lightly at her telling her it's fine. She walks over to her door and opens it.

"SADES!" I hear her say.

"I wasn't expecting you today."

"Yes...well I have something important to tell you! Like really important!"

She glances around the house until she notices me.

"Oh, I'm sorry was I interrupting something."

"Ye-" Millie starts.

"No we're fine!" I say glaring at Millie.

She shrugs her shoulders and lets Sadie in.

Sorry to those of you who had to see the mess of a chapter this was beforehand. I accidentally published it when I went to save it oof.
This was short but that's because the next chapter is longer and I couldn't fit it all into one chapter!

- tee

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