eighteen: silly millie.

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chapter eighteen of the good girl

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chapter eighteen of the good girl.
"silly millie."

I feel like a stupid girl. I know I'm not a stupid girl, but I sure feel like one. Because right now, at this very moment... I am waiting for a boy to call me. Oh, the irony.

And yes, I know he didn't give me a specific time, but that didn't stop my heart thumping and breathing to quicken every time my phone went off.

I checked my phone, before I got into the shower. After I got out the shower (just incase I had missed his call, even with my phone on full volume.) and when my mum eventually called me for lunch I didn't reply because I was too busy staring at my phone screen.

"Millie Brown." She said entering my room. "What is up with you? I just called you for lunch. You never miss lunch." She states and I know she's right. Usually I'd of thundered down those stairs. "I'm just... not very hungry. That's all." I said smiling at her. She scoffed then looked down at my phone that was clutched in my hand. A smirk appeared on her face as her eyes trailed back up to mine. "Millie, what a silly girl you are." She said shaking her head, and grinning. "What! It's not like I'm waiting for him to call or anything!" I said defensively. Oh stupid, stupid me.

"Oh, so I'm guessing it'll be fine if I just take this for a second." She said reaching for my phone. "Um what! No- ok so I'm waiting for a boy to call me, big deal!" I argued. "My my Millie, how I've been waiting for this day! I thought he was just a friend, ay Millie?" My mum gushed. "Is he kind? Does he like you? Are you- dating?" She gasps girlishly. "Gosh, mum! You ask me this as if you've never met him! I'm sure you can answer that yourself." I say embarrassedly.

"Hm, but you didn't answer my question."

"No, we're not. Not yet at least." I say. She squealed playfully and smiled. "Ok! Get out! That's it- you're more excited than I am and that's just plain scary. I disown you as my mother!" I laugh.

"What! You can't disown me I gave b-." And suddenly she gets cut off from my ringtone blasting full-volume through my phone speakers. I hurriedly look at my phone. "It's him!" I say to my mum as she grins. "Answer! Go on!" She suggests playfully.

I answer the phone and press it to my ear. "Finn." I greet.

"Millie Brown!" He says gleefully.

"Yes?" I smile.
"How is my favourite girl?" He says and I can almost feel his laugh vibrate through my phone.

"She's good! How are you?" I say.

"Amazing, brilliant morning don't you think? I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up my dear!" He chuckles.

"I can tell, what's got you so happy."

"Well, this beautiful girl, she's the light of my life really, she just forgave me for the unforgivable a little over 24 hours ago!" He says.

"Finn, I suggest unforgivable isn't the term you want to use if you actually want my to forget that whole incident." I say.

"Ah! You're right, let me rephrase that: the unforgettable. You see Millie Brown, I don't want you to forget about it, I want you to cease it. Because me and you Millie, we conquered that problem. And that's what makes us stronger as us. So please by all means, remember it and remember how I made the most stupid mistake then remember how we got through it and use it as experience for any mishaps that may conflict on us in the future."

"You're such a goof."

"So, Millie. How would you like to join me for lunch?"


I tied my shoe laces up hastily as my mum called out from the kitchen, he told me to dress casual but nicely. and so I did. I guess this counted as a date right? Right! I took one last sigh looking myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, a black off the shoulder crop top and my leather jacket. I usually never wear my leather jacket... I just feel like I can't pull it off, but according to my mum this was a special occasion and I look divine. So I took her word for it and said bye, opening the door and hearing a muffled 'have fun!' just after I closed it.

The walk to the diner we were meeting at wasn't a long one, in fact I was there within seven minutes. As I approached the restaurant I looked up at the sign that read 'Ed's Diner' I must admit it looked good... it also looked very... Finn. I pushed the door open and heard the bell go off above me.

"Ahhh! Mrs Wolfhard? Your table is just over here! Window view! Our best table, reserved specifically for you! Congrats on your wedding may I add!" What was this guy going on about. He swiftly lead me over to a two seated table where Finn was sat a gave him a confused glare and sat down on the other side to him.

"Ah! So what shall I be getting for the newly weds ey? Just some drinks to start off with?" He rambled.

"Uh, I'll just have a lemonade... and for the lady..." Finn said gesturing for me to carry on.

"Uh... I'll have a banana shake, please?" I say looking between Finn and the Waiter.

"Perfect, your drinks will be put in a few ay." He said, and yet again I was trying to figure out what accent he had.


"Newly weds?" I said to finn scoffing. "Ok Millie Brown so I may or may not of made reservations for two newly weds... but that's not a big deal, right?"

"No not really... not unless you're implying..." I hint sarcastically.

"What! Millie, now let's not get ahead of our selves."

"Hm. Millie Wolfhard. Got a ring to it don't ya think?" I said mocking him.

My eyes enlarge as I grab the book out of his hand. Please tell me I hadn't written anything embarrassing. Oh gosh. Oh no. Oh no.

Millie Brown.... Millie Bobby Brown... Millie Wolfhard... Millie Bobby Wolfhard. Ugh curse my stupid love ridden mind!

"Cute. It's gotta ring to it... don't ya think?"  He says slyly.

He smiles at me weekly... almost as if the memory is too hard for him to think about. As if it brings back some sort of euphoria. Which, don't get me wrong, does. But not the really sad type.

After a long silence and just us staring into each others orbs, the waiter comes politely with our drinks.


I'm going to cut this of here and also yes, the next chapter will be a continuation from here.

Also i hate this god damn update.

- tia <33

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