fifteen: stay cool!

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chapter fifteen of the good girl

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chapter fifteen of the good girl.
"stay cool."

I strutted into the school grounds, my head held high. I was not going to let that freckle-faced-beanie wearing-emotionless- bitch-two faced-stupid-disgusting-liar-asshole-donkey get to me today. No, no. Today was my day to shine, my day to beat him at his own game.

But walking through the halls at the school gave me second thoughts, as I stared back at all the gawking people and smiling flirtatiously at all the boys who would nudge their friends in order to get them to look at me.

I liked attention, don't get me wrong.
But I liked it when it was for winning an award, or getting an answer right, or after performing with the cheer team.
how did all these popular-doll faced-pretentious-self obsessed- girls do this?

Maybe my grey school skirt was hitched just a little too high. Or maybe maybe my green jumper with a white collar didn't go well with it. Or maybe my  pristine white knee socks were crinkled up, I couldn't tell.

But none of that mattered, because there he was, staring at my wide-eyed, mouth hung slightly open in the middle of the hallway. Here goes nothing, or everything. I couldn't really tell.

I approached him slowly, bouncing my every step, revealing more of my bare skin as my skirt shimmied up my hips with every foot I took closer to him.

I decided to go for the easier target first.
"Hey Jack." I said grinning and wrapping my arms around the not-so-new boy's neck engulfing him in a hug.

"Morning mills." He said calmly.

You may be wondering why he wasn't shocked by my actions, well, he was in with it. My little game, to make Finn fall 'head over heels for me'. Oh wait scratch that he doesn't wear heels.
'Head over vans'. There that's more like it.

"Finnie." I said barely acknowledging him and continuing  to walk past him nudging his shoulder as I passed.

He turned and stared at me in utter shock.

"Stay cool." I said to him before walking to meet up with Sadie, who was also in with the plan.

Oh, how I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you.

Once I found the perky red-head she immediately started rambling on about something to do with Caleb, her long-term boyfriend and how she thought he was going to break up with her.

"Oh chill out sades." I said.
"He talks about you like you put the stars in the sky and the shine in the sun, there's nothing to worry about." I muttered out a little annoyed.

Finally she pushed away the topic and Brang up another.

"Ok, how about you Mills? How's it going so far?" She queried eagerly.

"Well, so far so good. I think. I'm a little bit scared if it'll work." I said honestly.

"Chill out Millie, he talks about you like you put the stars in the sky and the shine in the sun." She mimicked playfully.

"Oh shut up!"

Jacks POV

I let Finn ramble out random things as I tried to steady breath, I was still recovering from her hugging me, god I wanted that, I wanted her. But after all bro-code.

I could never do that to Finn, no I see the way he looks at her like she's an angel, and she is. She's unlike any other girl, ever.

"Stay cool?"He uttered.
"I'm cool, I'm always cool! She's the one that needs to be cool!
What the hell is that supposed to mean anyway?" He shouted.

"It means exactly what she said Finn, there's nothing to it, self-explanatory." I said laughing.

"Don't laugh at me!" He shouted.

"Finn! Why did you scream in my face!" I shouted back.

"Ughhh I'm so confused!" He said aggravatingly.

"Why did you scream in my- you know what Finn! Here's an idea! Drop the freaking bad boy act and behave normally for once! Maybe then will you realise what a complete dick you were to her!"

"I'm acting normal! Don't be stupid."

"Finn, dude! You're acting like someone's seeped all the brain cells out your head, turned them to putty, then placed them back into you, you stupid knucklehead. What were you thinking, going and kissing iris in the first place!" I laughed.

"That's not true! My brain cells are fine! Absolutely fine! And see Tatar the thing. I wasn't thinking!" He argued.

"Jesus Finn, I know she told you to stay cool, but maybe she told you a little too late! You're loosing it without her."

"Tell me about it, god she's just- she's just- uhhh. She's completely unexplainable. Like you think she's the good girl, but once you get to know her, you realise she's everything. She's crazy, she's funny, she's honest, and you'll never know what she'll do next and did I mention how she knows exactly how to tur-"

"Wow Finn, Jesus! Do not finish that sentence!" I warned.

"I've just never had anything like her, I've always had short bad relationships that never worked out, or maybe because I was only dtf. Im not even sure. But she's just- everything."

"I think you need to fall for the wrong person. I think you need to fight and cry and sweat and bleed and fail. I think you need to have bad relationships and bad breakups. I think you need all of that so when the right person and the right relationship comes along, you can sigh and say, 'Ah yes. That's how it's supposed to feel'."
I said to him.


Oh, hello internet. I didn't really have to change much this chapter.

— T xo

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