nine: secret admirer.

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chapter nine of the good girl "secret admirer

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chapter nine of the good girl
"secret admirer."

My parents were finally supposed to be home today, it has been a long week without them. It's seriously been, hard. But I'd never admit that to them. It's not like I couldn't cope with it, because I could. It's just, I'm useless at washing my own clothes and scrubbing the dishes, and even making food.

I just cant wait to get home from school, i missed my mum so much. She's like my best friend.

"Hey freckles!" I say, approaching finn.
"Hey princess !" He mocks.
"Stoppp! It's not funny!" I say laughing.

"If it's not funny why're you laughing." He says looking at me. He raises his eyebrows expecting an answer.

"Hey, if you don't like princess I'll have to find another name for you."

"Ok go ahead." I tease.

"Ok how about cutie?" He says looking down at me.

"Ok what ever frogface." I teased.

"See! How is this so easy for you?"

"I'm not sure, pretty boy."

"Aw, you think I'm pretty?"

"Ha, don't flatter yourself to much frogface!" I mock cheekily

"You're right, I've got everyone else for that." He says slyly.

I giggle girlishly in response. The rest of the walk to school is silent but it's not awkward. It's more of a comfortable silence. A silence that brings me a sense of stability and gratitude, it's good that we can be silent together without it being unpleasant, putting our voices at ease yet still feeling like we're saying a million words.

what is it they say? oh right, actions speak louder than words.

By the time we get there he gives me a nod and a smile and walks off to his class. I can't help but grin giddily.
Oh Finn, you're such a goof.

Sadie's POV

I walk into my first class biology.
My least favourite and Millie's favourite.

I go to sit down and notice a numbnut sitting in my seat admiring Millie, what an idiot. Does he really think he'll get anywhere with her? I'm not being mean Millie's my bestfriend but does she not realise how she has every boy wrapped around her little finger?

"Hey you're in my seat!" I shout.

"And you're in my view!" He replies.

"Look, don't pull a Rosa Parks and get the hell out of my seat!" I shout.

"It's not your seat it doesn't have your name on it?" He says trying to outsmart me.

"Oh yes it does!" I say tipping the blonde of the seat and showing him my name.
He nods and runs off afraid.
I sit down next to the ecstatic brown head.

"Hey mills!"

"Oh, hey sades!" She chimes.

"What's got you so upbeat?" I ask with a grin.

"Oh nothing." She says smiling.

"Millie! If you get any happier your eyes are going to pop out of their sockets! You're such a dork! Does biology actually make you this happy?"

"Listen, sades, be a doll and shut the he'll up for me." She says still smiling.

"Millie, it's a little hard to take you seriously when you're grinning like an idiot."

"Oh shutup!" She says as the teacher, miss Holland walks in.

The teacher calls out some stuff and joys on the board as people note stuff down in their books. I know what to do.

I reach in my bag and pull out a box of raisins. I place them over my teeth until my mouth is full. I closed my mouth and tapped on Millie's shoulder.

She turned around and mouthed "what?".

I opened my mouth and grinned.
He eyes bulged at the sight and she held her hand of her mouth.
I wiggled my eyebrows as she sighed loudly crossed her arms and shaked her head at me.

"Ok, ok watch this!" I say as she glares at me.

I rip a piece of paper and write on it:

Dear Miss Holland,

Your hair is winter fire
January embers
My heart burns there, too.

- secret admirer❤️

I show it to Millie as she laughs and passes it to the person next to her.
"Pass it down to miss." She whispers.

Eventually the whole class is giggling as it gets passed to the teacher. She opens the note as her cheeks burn up to a deep crimson and she reveals a toothy grin.


I unlock the door to my house with the spare key that's usually above the door frame, with a huge smile on my face.

I walk in and close the door behind me. I look around expectantly, but not thing seems to be out of place.

For a second, I get sad, what if they're not home yet. What if their plane was delayed. They'd tell me.... wouldn't they?

"Millie!" And then I see my mother and my father, as the run to engulf me in a hug. I was literally nearly in tears. I'm so glad they're home. "Mum! Dad! I missed you guys so so much!"


Hey guys this is pretty much a filler but I just really wanted a nice chapter that shows how one little experience with Finn can make Millie happy for the rest of the day you know. Pretty much just trying to show how much Finn actually effects Millie's mood so look out for this lol!

- tee

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