twenty two: dear oh dear!

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Wooo I'm updating again! Double update!
So this book is coming to an end, they'll probably be 2 more chapters left, and an epilogue so hold tight, things are gonna go uphill quite fast.

chapter twenty two of the good girl

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chapter twenty two of the good girl.
"dear oh dear."

"I'm sorry mills. I love you mills. Oh please forgive me baby. You're my world hunnybear. Millie I'm ever so sorry. I miss you mill. I need you sugar lump. Ugh does this boy ever give up." Jack said as he flipped through the cards that had been left in a pile in my locker for the past few days. I have not bothered to open them until now.
"Gosh he's a love sick puppy." Jack said making fake puke noises.
"Heyy brown, look at this one. There's sideview and rearview and theres also I loview. Wow that's a funny one. Aha and this. I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Wow so relatable aha!" Jack laughs hysterically.

"Yeah shut up. I came to you for advice so get on it." I snapped.
I didn't mean for it to come out that rude, I'm just annoyed. For the past few days I've been avoiding finn like a stupid person misses the point. gosh, but every time I get even a little glance at him, my heart starts thumping, no different from our first kiss, when I met him three months ago. I am a stupid girl. I know that now. I've been chasing a boy that was never mine in the first place.

And then there's Noah. I haven't heard from him, rumour says he moved school. I wouldn't know. But gosh I miss him. He was always an amazing friend. Losing him was like loosing myself. But it was too hard for me. I couldn't like him like that. It'd be wrong. I just hope he can move on and be happy without me. But I don't know what I'm living on, if I'm living without either of them. My best friend and my lover. I know it, and all my friends know that's it's true. I don't know who I am without those two. Ugh, I've got it bad. 

"Mills?" Jack questions waving his hand in front of my face.
"I'm sorry, just thinking." I say snapping out of the trance I was in.
"Okay well I was saying that you should probably talk to him, you're giving him mixed signals here girl. I mean you flip at him and then you kiss him and then you run off? That's gotta do some damage."

"Yeah I guess, you're right. You're always right." I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.


"Millie? Millie hunny is that you?" My mum called from the kitchen.
I tried to listen but couldn't quite gather. Is she with someone? It sounded like someone was with her... but who? Karen? Sadie's mum? Maddie's mum? Mrs Holland?

"Yes mum. Its me. Are you with somebody? Because I can just le-."
"No no no, come on in here mills, the visitor is for you." She said laughing joyfully.

Out of sheer confusion and curiosity I slowly put my bag down on the floor and paced to the kitchen. And there, leaning on my kitchen counter, helping my mum bake cookies, was Finn freakin Wolfhard. To say that I was shocked was the understatementof the century.

"Millie how nice to see you." He said with a smirk. "Finn, cut the bullshit. What the fuck are you doing here." I said coldly.

"Dear oh dear, Millie." My mum screeched. "Watch your language." My mum snapped. "No no, it's okay Mrs Brown, Mills has every right to be angry at me. You see I was just dropping of some flowers and your mother caught me at the door step, she invited me in and told me you'd be home soon. I didn't mean for it to come off as intimidating for you. She was just being friendly." He explained casually.

"Okay then. Let's go upstairs to talk." I said latching my hand with his and pulling him upstairs behind me.

As we stepped in my room and shut the door, he immediately began. "Millie, look I'm so incredibly sorry. I shouldn't of said what I-."

"Yeah. You're right. I was stupid to kiss you, i was stupid to get that pissed and I was wrong to go to that party. But you shouldn't of said what you said, it hurt. Especially as you were walking on thin ice that day. But guess what? It happened. And you did say it. And you can't take it back and you can't change it and you can't make anything better. But you know what you can do? Shut the fuck up so that I can hear myself think and find a way to make it up to me. And no I don't mean with some stupid love letters or chocolates or silly teddies. I want you to find the most expensive restaurant that sells the most delicious shitty overpriced food and I want you to make a reservation for two so that we can talk about us and what's going to happen, formally over dinner. And I swear to god, or whoever the fuck is above me, if you make one more dick move or stupid slip up, I will not forgive you. And everything we have will be over. So make your moves wisely Finn or there's definitely no making it up to me. Got it?" I rant.

"Got it." He says after a long sigh.


Hi guess who got kissed by their crush and is now getting completely ignored by him? You got it! Me! I'm so upset. He kissed me then we don't even talk about it and he acts mad at me and now he's ignoring my text messages like wtf did I do? Ugh, boys.

(lmao i remember that^^)

- tee xo

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