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Last Day of Summer

Today is the last day of summer. Tomorrow is my first day of high school, same for my twin Grey.

    Obviously Grey and I aren't identical twins, but we do look similar. Grey's eyes are a beautiful shade of green that goes beautifully with his black hair, compared to my heterochromia, I have one grey, one green eye with black hair. Although we are the same age he is taller than me, his muscular 5'7 frame is way different from my petite 5'4 frame. He was the one that came out first, so he acts like he is so much older than me when really he is 5 minutes older than me.

    I have older brothers too, Grey and I are the youngest. Then the second youngest set of are Jake and Jace, they are identical. They act alike and everything. They are hard to tell apart but not the hardest. Jace has a small mole on his chin, Also their eye colors are different. Jacob has a cloudy grey eyes like our mom and Jace has eyes as green as grass.

    Then there's Asher and Aidan, the first and oldest set of twins. They are the hardest to tell apart if you don't know them. Asher is a total ladies man, he always has girls over. Aidan is the more focused on sports type. When he does have a girlfriend, which is rare, he stays with her for a couple of months. If you don't know them its really hard, you really have to study them hard- their hair specifically. Asher has black sleek hair to Aidan's dark brown hair.

    Then there's the odd one out of our siblings, Mason. He doesn't have a twin. He is the oldest out of all of us, with black hair and beautiful grey eyes that you can just get lost in. He's the most protective out of all my brothers.

    My brothers like to act as if I'm five-years-old. I'm 14 turning 15 in October. Their protective-ness gets annoying, I mean it does have its perks, but other then that its just purely annoying.

    I've never really had any friends, I've haven't needed any friends, I've always had the boys. The boys always had friends, but while they were over I stayed in my room. I mean friends are just so much drama and a waste of time. I have my brothers and that's all I need.  

   That shows to why I'm awkwardly standing in my bedroom, in a bikini, looking down at the pool. Mason had his friend, Parker, over. Mason invited me to swim with them, I obviously accepted the offer not knowing that he had Parker over.

   There's nothing wrong with Parker it's just that I don't want to be near him.

   My other siblings are down there too but I don't like people. It's the last day of summer and I want to enjoy it, bathing in the sunny California day, but no, he just had to bring his friends over.

   Grey walks into my room and looks at me confused, " what are you doing Twin, you have to be cold."

   I shrug, "Kinda, doesn't matter anyway, I'm changing out of this anyway," I state, turning to him.

   He was in the opposite of me, he had on white swim trunks with black strips, as to my black bikini with white stripes. We don't do this stuff on purpose it just kind of happens all the time.

   "Why," he asks.

   "I'm not going down there with parker, I don't like hanging with him when I'm covered head-to-toe, I'm not going down there while I'm in a bikini." I explain.  

   "I don't think you have a choice you already said you would," and with that he picked me up and started carrying me down the stairs.

    One of the major house rules during the summer is "Don't come into the house while your wet". Cleaning up the floors are a pain in the ass so unless you have a towel you aren't allowed to come inside till you dry off. None of the boys would give me their towels unless they wanted to go in.

Grey took me to the edge of the pool and tossed me in. I was immediately drenched in cold water. I quickly swim to the surface to get air.

"Hi Baby Girl," Jake greets. I glare at him and in return he throws his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

"What has you in such a bad mood," Mason asks.

"Nothing," I lie, I may have been mad at him but that doesn't mean that I have to be a bitch.

I swim to the side of the pool and quickly jump out.

"Don't go inside the house," Aidan warns. He acts as if I don't already know this.

"I know Bubby," I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Grey what put sis in such a bad mood," Asher asks.

I glare at Twin silently warning him not to tell them why I'm mad.

"A twin never reveals their other twins secret," He tells them.

I sit on the chair and wait for the sun to dry me off.

Mason hops out and sits on the ground near me, "Baby, whats wrong you were so excited to swim this morning."

I feel bad for lying to him but I have too, "I'm just not in thr mood," I tell Massey.

"I know your lying to me Baby," He says matter-of-factly.

"I just don't want too," I snap, I didn't mean to it just came out that way.

"Okay when you are ready to tell me the truth you can come find me," and with that he gets up and leaves.

I see Parker starting at me so I cover myself up. Do I look bad or something?

I quickly look away, impatiently waiting for my bathing suit to dry.

Parker jumps out of the pool and throws me his towel, "You look absolutely miserable, take my towel but please bring me a new one."

I quickly dry off, thank him and run inside.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. The first few chapters will be summer fillers till it gets to the good stuff so please beware. Im sorry it took so long but Ive had alot going on and this is the earliest i could get it done. All together this chapter was 1027 words and is shorter than what my chapters would usually be. I hope you guys have fun with this story because i always have fun writing them. If chapters go slow know that i will eventually get it up and message me some or comment if you want it done because sometimes i forget so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy xoxo

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