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On the way out of the doot at the end of the day I hear someone scream my name, followed by, "Hey Saphire wait up," Alex continues, "We were supposed to meet up, remember?"

"Yeah I remembered, I'm just not going on the date anymore."

"Why not, did Noah tell you not to do something," He questions me.

"No, Noah didn't tell me anything."

"Then why don't you want to go on the date anymore," He asks qenuinely confused.

"Because you were at the Doo-Wop Ice Cream Parlor yesterday with another girl, and you didn't even notice that I was there," I awnser.

His face goes pale, "W-w-what are you talking about, you must have mistaken someone else for me," He tries to cover up his lie.

"Yeah then how did I know that you had a Vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles, She had a chocoalte fudge sundae amd you guys shared a mint milkshake," I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

He gives me a blank look and that just tells me that he knows he fucked up, "Yeah, that's what I thought." I tell him. I walk away making sure that he doesnt see the tears in my eyes.

I walk into a soft but hard wall and I know exactly what it is or who it is .


Noah. He catches me and doesn't let me fall. Once he gets me balanced he lets go of me, "We really have to stop meeting like this," He says quietly then goes to try and walk away.

I say try because I grab his arm and I hug him. He goes stiff for a second then relaxes and wraps his arms around me too, "Your friend is an asshole," I whisper to him as I silently start to cry

"Yeah I know," He whispers back. He quickly pulls me into one of the empty hallways and just lets me cry.

Once I have calmed down he asks me, "What did Alex do this time Saphire?" 

"How did you know I was talking about Alex?"

"I had a hunch now awnser my question." 

"Alex and I were supposed to go on a date today," He stiffens at that, "but yesterday he brought a girl into my work, not knowing that I worked there and yeah here we are," I explain.

"He is a player Saphire." 

"Yeah I can see that," I continue, "It's not like you can say anything though."

"Please Saphire let me explain what actually happened that night," He begs, "Please give me this afternoon and if you still dont believe me afterwards ten you can leave and I won't bother you anymore," He smirks, "unless you want me too."

"Fine, I have to text my brothers though." 

I text the family groupchat that I'm going out with a friend and that I will be home by 11. I shut off my phone immediately afterwards so that I don't get bitched at, "Okay now we can go," I tell him. 

He grabs my hand which makes butterflies erupt in my stomach. He drags me along to where his car is. I guess he didn't bring his motorcycle today which is a huge bummer since I have always wanted to ride on one. 

He opens the passanger door for me, waits for me to get in, then closes the door gently. He gets in the car and then we are off to where ever the fuck he is taking me. 

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