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(A/N: DO you guys think I Should Start a question of the day so that i could interact with you guys more. If so comment some questions i should use.)

Explaining the problems

I see Aidan hop out, grab his towel, and follow me inside. I don't want to talk to him but apparently I don't have a choice.

He quickly catches up. I hate having short little legs. I mean I can never get away from my irritating brothers when I need too.

I start to run to try to get to my room. It's hard because my legs are really small. As I expected he caught me. He picks me up and carries me to his room. He sits down then sits me down on his lap. I hate being small.

"Saphie, what's wrong," Bubby ask.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell Massey," I compromise.

"Deal," He agrees.

"I don't want to be near Parker, it's just awkward and uncomfortable," I explain.

"Oh," He continues, "You know Saphie that we are allowed to have friends."

"Well yeah but that doesn't mean that I have to hang out with you guys when you have them over here," I explain.

"No but you can try this is one of the only days that we are all off together."

"That's my point I was hoping that we could all spend the day together, just us. I never get to see you guys together anymore." I look down at the ground.

"Well how about this, you and I will cook for the boys and we will all eat together, just us," He negotiates.

"Okay," I perk up.

"Go now and get changed before you get sick," he tells me.

*Time skip that the author doesn't deserve because she hasn't updated in forever ;-;*

Aidan and I were almost done when I see Grey heading out side. I quickly tap Aidan and showed him. Bruh Bruh and Jacey are heading out with him.

"Where do you guys think you are going," Bubby asks.

"We are going out with our friends," Jacey said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

" I told you guys we are all having dinner as a family," Bubby replies.

"We already has plans before you told us," Twin explains.

"You are staying home or else your grounded." My face pales. I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted a nice dinner.

"Fine then we will have to tell them we aren't coming," Bruh Bruh says with an attitude.

We quickly set the table, with me keeping my head down the whole time. 

I called for everyone to come downstairs so that we could eat.

Grey and Jace come down with an attitude, "What has a stick up your ass," Ashy asks them while making his plate of food.

"Well your twin wouldn't let us go out with our friends because of this stupid dinner," Grey tells him.

My eyes quickly tear up, I look down at my plate so that they couldn't see my face. "It is not stupid we are spending time as a family," Aidan explains.

I quickly scarfed down my spaghetti so that I could go up to my room, and so no one would see me cry. "May I please be excused," I ask trying to control my quivering voice.

Everyone stopped and looked at me, I of course kept my head down looking at my plate. " No if we have to stay you do too," Grey says, acting like he is the boss of me. 

I look up from my plate so that they can see that I am upset and let me go upstairs. "Go ahead," Aidan says.

I quickly dump what is left on my plate into the trash, put my plate in the sink and run upstairs.

Aidan's POV

"What the fuck is her problem," Mason asks not wanting to be at this dinner.

"Well, she wanted to have a nice dinner where we could all spend time together since, she didn't get to spend time with all of us earlier, but no you guys had to go and ruin it," I told them, pissed off.

"It's not our fault that she was being a bitch earlier," My twin chimes in.

That's when Grey snapped, "She wasn't being a bitch she is uncomfortable around our friends, so instead of ruining our time she went up to her room." I nod my head in agreement.

"Oh", is all they can say.

"Yeah, oh, so as I go and comfort our baby sister I hope you guys feel like dicks because you should," I tell them.

"I got it," Mason says and heads upstairs without another word.


Mason: Wow I feel really bad.

Author: Yeah you should. She's an innocent child.

Grey: Yeah right.

Author: Don't sass me what I say goes.

Grey: What are you going to do kill me?

Author: I could

Grey: You love me too much

Author: True

Noah: When am I coming into the book.... It sucks with out me.

Author: Soon, 2 more chapters. I have to slowly introduce all my characters baby boy.

Noah: dont call me that near them...

Author: Fine.... Baby boy

Noah: Ugh

(A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short guys. I wanted to a new chapter out in celebration of us getting 100 reads on this story. I didn't even think this story was gonna get 2 reads. I hope you guys actually enjoy the book. I will be posting a lot more because I'm in a better state of mind. I have a lot more book ideas and I cant wait for them to happen. I hope you guys have a happy day or night or afternoon whatever you want to call it.)

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