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(After alot of deliberation with myself I have figured out that.. We are going to stick with the original plot but we are going to go a few weeks forward.. Sooooo back to the regularly squeduled program.)

Saphire's POV

Everything has finally settled down now that we have been in hel- I mean priso- I mean school for more than a month. Not much has happened except little things that arn't important.

Anyway I walk my way to the class room that we all eat lunch in together. That still hasn't changed, it's always interesting to here what the boys are talking about that day. It can be about unicorns to how they are going to die.

And today's subject was: Death.

As I walked in the door I hear, "What if you died but you could come back but you have to have like have a task you have to do," I hear Alex ezxplain.

I go unnoticed so I just stand by the door so I don't scare anyone,  "That's impossible once you die you are dead, there is nothing that can bring you back," Jordan protests.

Noah notices me and waves me over. I quietly walk over to the desk that I usually eat on and sit on it and quietly eat my yogurt, "There is no proof that death does or doesn't exist, so how would you know that its impossible." Alex defended.

"Okay let's forget the fact that Death may or may not exist, what kind of task would you have to do, I mean if Death did exist and going off of the legend he kills you for a purpose I mean, why would he bring you back," I cut in.

"Well it could be anything, he could kill you just so that he could talk to you, like if your a bully then he could kill you and you would have to be nice to the kid that you bullied and like become friends or more with them, it would probably be something to show your true self or to fix what you have started, or to even change or self or someone." Alex explains.

"Well, that could be really useful yeah but let's be honest here, that's impratical, you can't change someone or change yourself that fast to the point where you could save them," Noah intervenes.

"Well yeah, it would be one of the hardest challenges of your life, Death would'nt just bring you back to life for a simple challange," Alex explains.

"I think that it would be an awesome idea if it were true but there has never been a case of someone saying that it happened," Jordan defends.

"Sure, I mean people have to get the ideas of death or the ideas of mystical creatures so they had to exist at one point or another, and death cant die so," Alex tells us.

"Well when you put it like that it does kind of make sense," I agree

"Saphire are you really going to believe that bullshit," Noah says.

"I mean think about it, mythical things have had to really exist or someone who made it was batshit crazy and made everyone else believe it." I defend.

"See Saphire is great come here Saphire we are the greta people," Alex waves me over to him. I go over to him and he pulls me down onto his lap. I don't miss the glare that Noah gives Alex but I shrug it off.

"Yeah you two are the batshit crazy people," Jordan laughs. We all laugh at that not agreeing nor disagreeing. and we all carry along with a different convorsation until the end of lunch and we all go our seperate way until art.


Okay guys I hope you liked this chapter it was really fun to like but you have have noticed that well there was a little theme for this chapter: Death. So I have a new book that i am writing called Changed. It is basically a book about a popular girl dies and death brings her back with the condition that she has to change the person that shes bullies mind about killing himself. It will obviously be a romantic book because thats what I do here. 

Noah: Really you can barley keep up with the two books that you are writing.

Author: I know but i like the Idea of this story and i think that it will be interesting.

Noah: Whatever.

Author: Noah whats wrong

Noah: You made her sit on his lap and not mine.

Author: boo hoo, you disagreed with her

Noah: So..........

Author : Whatever Bye guys

Noah: Baiii guys xoxo

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