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Okay so this again skipping a week or two ahead and the first part of the chapter will be based in the cafeteria because I want to give you some drama between Saphire and Noah because what is a Wattpad story without the Bad boy being a Fuck boy.

Noah: What are you going to do??

Author: It's not what I'm going to do Its what your going to do. Lets get on with the story.

Saphire's POV:

I make my way slowly to the cafeteria where the boys told me to meet them which is really weird because since the beginning of the school year we always met in the classroom.

I walk into the cafeteria, I hear "I Like Me Better" by Lauv and see that the tables have been re-arranged into a circle around the cafeteria and one table in the middle. Noah is standing on the table with a rose in his hand.

I look him up and down quickly because let's be honest he is fucking hot. He has on a black muscle tee that shows off all of the right parts, a pair of black jeans and a pair of black sneakers. He bites his lip nervously while I look at his water blue eyes.

In his other hand is a microphone and he puts it up to his mouth, "Saphire, I would like homecoming better if I was with you, so will you go with me?"

"Yes," I say quietly not really liking the attention on me.

He walks up to me and grabs my hand and kisses it gently then hands me the rose, I feel my face instantly become really red, I'm going to assume more of a firetruck red instead of a tomato red.

Alex and Jordan walk to us so that we can go back to the class room but I can't help but see the look of jealousy on Alex's face.

*One Week Later*

"Please, Mason I will use my own money but I need to be taken to the mall." I beg

"No Saphire, you need to find someone else to do it I don't feel like going to the mall." Mason tells.

"Fine I will take an uber and hope that I don't get a psychopath as a driver that takes me into the middle of the forest and sells my organs on the black market." I say matter-of-factly.

"You're not going to take an uber ask one of the other boys to take you."

"I can't, they are all out with friends and we only have a week left till homecoming, please Mason I will be quick, I just have to go in and purchase the dress I have already picked out," I tell him.

"You are never quick you will get distracted and want something else, and you have to go find shoes."

"I already have those picked out at the same store as the dress I have to go in and get the right size purchase the dress and shoes." I beg

"Fine", He caves.

*One Week Later Homecoming Dance Day*

I wake up and quickly get out of bed so that I can start getting ready for the day. I run down the stairs being careful not to fall because I don't need to have a big bruise on me for homecoming. I walking into the kitchen and make my presence known," Hello brothers of mine."

In response I get a chorus of "Hello" and "Good morning" ­­­. I get all of the ingredient I need out to make my mango and banana smoothie.

"Saphire don't forget about all of your appointments today," Mason reminds me.

"I know, I have a nail appointment at 12, I have a hair appointment at 2, and A makeup artist is coming here at 5," I state.

"Remember we have to leave by 7:55 if we want to get there by 8," Jace tells me.

"I know, Im going to go take a relaxing bath now," I call out while making my way upstairs

*7:50 PM*

I walk down the stairs and are met with my brothers. "You look beautiful Saphire," Mason tells me and the rest of my brothers nod there heads in agreement. I blush and start to walk down the stairs careful not to fall.

We walk out to the cars, get in and make our way to the school. We give the tickets that we purchased to the person and walk in. We make out way to the gym where the dance is being held and as soon as you walk you get hit with a whiff of sweat, and music blasting in your ears. I look around to find Noah but I don't see him anywhere.

I convince myself that he is just late and that he is going to end up coming. I walk around the gym and accidently bump into a couple making out. The couple pulls apart and I realize who it is.. Noah and another girl.

"Look Saphire, I can explain." He gives me a sympathetic look.

"I don't want your explanation asshole," I walk away and try and find my brothers. I see them having fun and hanging out with their friends so I walk outside and sit in the curb crying.

Why me, what did I do to deserve this. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see that its Alex.

"Can I sit with you," He asks. I nod my head and he continues, "I seen what happened and that was a dick move he played on you."

"Did you know he was going to do it," I ask.

"No, I would have told you trust me," Alex explained.

"I do."

"I know that it might look like your night is ruined but lets go back in and have a fun time."

"Okay but one serious question," I say

"What," He asks concerned.

"Does my makeup look good," I ask

he laughs,"You always look good." and with that he leans down and kisses me gently. He gets ripped off of me and thrown on ground by Noah. At this point everyone that is outside surrounds us and sees what is happening.

Noah and Alex are on the ground fighting beating the shit out of each other. I guess the people outside texted people because a bunch of people run out crowding around to see what happens. A teacher rips them apart and everyone else goes back in side. My brothers come to me and make sure that I'm okay. I respond yes and tell them that I'm going to call a cab home. Mason offers to just drive me then come back to the school. I agree because at this point I don't want another argument.


Hey guys! It feels like forever since I have written.... Well it has been forever since I have written. I know Im such a bad author but I have just getting adjusted to school and everyday I have homework and don't have time to work on my books except for the weekends. so Im going to try and get all of my writing done on the weekends so that I can post my stories on time but you guys know that that would never happen.

Noah: me and you have to have a word missy

Author: Yeah what about?

Noah: Why the hell did you make me do that to Saphire

Author: because what is a bad boy good girl book without some other girl and bestfriend drama.

Noah: That doesn't mean that it had to be done to me

Author: Uhhhh yes it does you are the badboy character in the book.

Noah: Whatever bye guys

Author: You better give a proper goodbye or else I will never let you be with Saphire

Noah: Bye Guys ^-^ xoxo

Author: There you go... Bye guys xoxo

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