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After the lunch bell rinks I go to my locker, "Hey Saphire," I hear someone one call. I turn around and see that it is Alex that was walking up behind me.

"Hi," I greet.

" What are you going to be doing after school?"

"I have to go to work," I answer.

"Aw no fun, then, can we maybe go on a date tomorrow?"

"Why would you want to go on a date with me?"

"Why wouldn't I, you are the only girl that I want."

That was sufficient enough with me, " Yeah sure I'll go on a date with you." 

"Okay, great. I guess I will see you then." 

After school I go home with the boys and change into my work uniform, which consists of a black tight t-shirt croptop and a pink skirt. The ice cream parlor that I work at is based off of the Fifties. So of course I dress like a pink lady from Grease, well a Walmart brand one because I'm pretty sure that they are copy-righted. My roller skates are at the shop. 

Quickly going down stairs and once again hop into the Jeep, with help of course. 

After working for a few hours I hear the bell chime once again signaling that someone came in once again. The person who walks in looks so fucking familiar but it can't be him. 

The parlor is in the next town over so no one knows that I work here. 

One of the other girls that work here serves him, and as soon as I hear his voice I know exactly that it is who I think it is. 

"Can I have a vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles and this beautiful girl with have a hot fudge sundae and can we get a mint milkshake with two straws," Alex asks the waitress. 

"Of course coming right up," said Angelia, The waitress. When she comes over to me she asks, "Saphire can you help me with this order please."

We quickly make the orders and drop them off at the table.  He was so caught up in the girl that he didn't even know that I was one of the people serving him.  You have got to be kidding me. 

At the end of the night me and Angelina quicky clean and sanitizing everything. When we finally finished we lock up the shop and I wait for Mason to come. I put in my earbuds and turn the music all the way up. He finally pulls up, and comes to help me get in the Jeep. We pick up Jacob, Jace and Grey from the roller skating rink that they all work at. 

Once we finally get home I make my way up to my room not even thinking about getting dinner. I take off my makeup and put on shorts and one of Mason's shirts that he gave me to one time, well he didn't give it to me, he let me wear it and I never gave it back. 

Hearing a knock on the door, speak of the devil and he will appear, apparently with a sandwich, "Whats wrong Baby you didnt come eat," Mason says while putting my sandwich on my night stand. He sits on my bed and pats his lap. I get up and sit on his lap.

"What is wrong with my Mason, why does no one like me?" 

"Nothing is wrong with you Saphire, and what do you mean no one likes you, you were just so happy this afternoon that Alex asked you on a date?" 

"Yeah, well that has been canceled, he came into the parlor today with a girl and he didnt even notice that I was helping serve him." I let a few tears slip down my cheek. 

"Baby nothing is wrong with you, never think that something is wrong with you, those boys dont know what they are missing out on, you are a wonderful beautiful girl, dont let any one tell you or make you think differently," he kisses the top of my head, "and you really shoudn't be crying over some silly boy."

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