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Noah: So Author we need to talk..

Author: What about

Noah: We need o straighten things out to why I hurt Saphire last chapter

Author: So you want this chapter to be in your POV.

Noah: Yes please

Author: Okay then lets get on with the chapter.


Noah's POV: The Day He Asked Saphire to Home Coming

I nervously get everything in the cafeteria set up before Saphire gets here. Alex, Jordan and I left class early so that we could set everything up. We re-arranged the tables so that their was one table in the middle of the cafeteria and the other tables were surrounding the table in the center.

I plug my phone into the aux cord and play a playlist of all of Saphie's favorite songs.

Right as we finish setting up I see everyone start to walk into the cafeteria wandering what the hell is going on.

About 2 minutes later I see Saphire walk in, finally. I hop on into the table in the center. She looks at me and starts to blush. I ask her to go to homecoming with me and she says yes. Once she does I hop down and give her a rose. The boys come over and congratulates us but I see the look of jealousy on Alex's face. He better back the hell off she is mine.

*time skip*

I was in the mall with my cousin and she was helping me with buying my tux. I didn't know anything about fashion but she does.

As we are finishing in the mall and head towards the exit. I hug her as a thanks and kiss her on the cheek. I think I see a flash out of the corner of my eye but I must be crazy.. Boy was I wrong.

*time skip to day before homecoming*

Sitting in my house with Alex and Jordan we hear a knock on my door. I go and awnser it and see Clarissa a girl I used to hook up with before I met Saphire.the boys see this and they come over to the door too.

"What the hell do you want Clarissa" I ask in a bored tone not really caring

"You of course" She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well you cant have me so it's best if you go away," I tell her and try to shut the door but she puts her foot in the door and pulls out her phone with a picture on it..

I bet you guys can guess what the picture was.

If you guess me with my cousin then you got it right.

"I'll show this to that ugly bitch if you dont do as I say."

"That's my cousin you sick fuck."

"Well she doesn't know that does she."

I sigh, "What the hell do you want Clarissa."

"I want to go to homecoming with you."

"What the fuck, no!"

"Then I guess that she will just see that photo then."

"No wait... I'll go."

The boys gr wayive me a very angry look.

"Good. Pick me up at 6." She then winks and walk away.

"What the hell dude you are going to ditch Saphire," Alex yells.

"What other choice do I have it's either this or she thinks I'm a cheater."

"Either way it's bad you guys, we have to figure out a plan to hurt Saphire as least as possible." Jordan cuts in.

We all nod our heads in agreement to that. I would hate to Saphire be hurt because of me.

*time skip to homecoming dance*

I pick up the walking garden tool from her house at 6 like she said. I had to take pictures with her and stuff and must I say... it was so hard trying not to puke everytime she touched me.

We get to the dance by 7 and go in. When I get in the gym I look around to see Alex on one side and Jordan on the other.

The plan I made was for one of them to comfort her when she sees I'm with someone else. They can comfort her and makes sure that she had a good time tonight. I may not be the one giving her that but I dont want her first homecoming dance to be bad.

She walks in and I guess me and the walking garden took see her at the same time because as soon as I spot her and she sees me, Clarissa pulls me to her and kisses me.

I push her off but not in time for Saphire to see. She goes out of Alex's side. Fuck, I was really hoping that she would go out that way. I know he likes her and he is going to make a move.

Let's just hope I can fix this later.


Hai guys. So here is Noah's POV on what happened.

Noah: see I'm not that bad of a guy.

Author: yes you are

Noah: what how.

Author: you could have gone about that a different way and YOU FUCKING BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND I HAD TO REPAIR IT.

Noah: you made me do both of those things. And I break the fourth wall every chapter.

Author: I know but not like how you just did.

Noah: you cant say anything you're a bad author

Author: I know dont judge me I have homework coming out my ass every night but at least I finally updated.

Noah: after 3 months

Author: say one more smart thing and I'm going to kill you off.

Noah: okay okay in sorry.

Author: say bye to the fans asshole.

Noah: Bye guys xoxo

Author: bye^-^

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