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Noah's POV

After a while of Jordan not going back into gym I started to get worried about what the two of them are doing out there. I guess I will go look at what is going on .

As I walk out to wear i hear there  voices I hear Alex say, " I seen what happened and that was a dick move." Of course he seen what happened. He fucking knew that it was going to happen. 

"Did you know that he was going to do it." Saphire asks him.

"No, I would have told you trust me." He answer's. He is such a fucking liar. 

I couldn't hear what happened after that because I was pissed but when I look from where I was standing I seen him kiss Saphire.

I walk up to him and rip him off of Saphire, there is no way I am going to let this happen.

I go down and start beating the shit out of Alex. Next thing I know im being ripped off of him by a teacher.

Saphire's POV

Once I get home I just really want to take a bath. I go into my room and immediately take off my heels and take off my dress. I go into the bathroom and start to run my water making it hot. I grab a rose bath bomb and put it into the bath with a rose scented bubble bath.

Once the bath fills I get in and put on a oatmeal face mask. "Okay google," I say "Turn on Three Days Grace". Car Crash by Three days Grace comes on and I relax in the bath tub.

After awhile wash myself and then get out of the bathtub, I get on a giant shirt and lay in bed. I quickly fall asleep wanting to just forget about today.

**Time Skip**

I wake up to the annoying alarm clock. The usual routine goes on and I just want to get over with school already. I don't want to see any of the boys at this point. I don't want to deal with anyone to be honest.

We finally make our way to school. Time to start the day.

**Time skip (Sorry trying to get to the good part)**

I make my way to the cafeteria so that I could sit with my brothers again. I haven't been in the cafeteria in such a long time. I sit on my phone quietly and eat my yogurt. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see my brothers glaring at someone. I can only think of two people who it could be: Alex or Noah.

I look over my shoulder and see that it is Noah. Of course, the one person who I don't want to see the most. "Look Saphire can I please talk to you," He begs.

"Sure whatever if can get you to go the hell away," I see the flash of hurt go across his face.

I follow him out into the hall way, "Please let me expla-,"

"No Noah you don't have to explain what happened I get it you wanted someone prettier and more popular."

"No Saphire that is not it at all."

"I'm sorry Noah but I don't believe myself." I walk away as my eyes start to tear up again. I walk away and see that Mason moved someone so that I could sit near him. I grabbed my bag and sat next to him.

He hugs me and I silently cry into his shoulder I just want to have one good day please.


Hai guys. I missed you guys so much but a lot had been going on in my life so thats... fun

Noah: Is that really your excuse for not writing.,

Author: Youre just mad because youre still not made up with Saphire

Noah: When are we going to make up by the way.

Author: Never

Noah: You cant do that.

Author: Don't underestimate me I will make her go with fucking Jordan

Noah: You wont no balls.

Author @-@

Noah: Anywhoreeee Bye guys.

Author: That is My outro Yours is "Bye guys ^-^"

Noah: Fine... Bye Guys ^-^

Author: Bye guys xoxo

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