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He smiles, "So do you forgive me."

"Yes but can we go get food I'm hungry?"

"Yes ma'am, Im going to take you on the proper date that Alex missed out on, only if thats okay with you," He tells me. 


Noah wants to go on a date with me, even after all of the things that have happened? Do I really want the chance of getting hurt once again? Okay Saphire you are being dramatic stop being a Wattpad character.

"Okay," I say with a smile.

"Sooo, this is technically our first day," Noah says with a smirk.

"Yeah it is so don't make me regret it," I answer back. 

"Of course I wouldn't," He says with a serious face.  Blushing at his statement and hiding my face in my hands. 

He takes my hands and gently pulls them away from my face, "Don't hide your face, its so beautiful." 

That statement just makes my face go to even more fifty shades of red, "Stoooop," I groan drawing out the "O".

He laughs at my statement, "Come on Beautiful, I thought that you wanted food."

"I did and I still do but it's not my fault that you are making me blush and keep on making me get distracted." I answer with a matter-of-factly.

He turns around and crouches down again, "Well stop getting distracted by my sexiness and jump on my back."

I roll my eyes but hop onto his back and we head back to his car.

He puts me down when we get there and opens the passenger car door for me. I quickly get in  and he leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Instantly a blush takes over my face and he knows what he is doing to me.

He walks over to his side of the car and gets in. We start our way back to our town. I plug my phone into the aux cord and turn on Hey There Delilah by The Plain White T's. I scream sing and when I look over I see that Noah is singing with me. A huge smile makes it's way onto my face because he looks like he is having so much fun.

We finally make our way into town and go to the local burger shop which is really good. We head into the shop and get seated. It's not that busy in here because it is a little early to be eatin dinner because it is 4:30 pm.

A small little old lady comes up to our table, I'm going to guess that she is going to be our waitress. She asks," Hello my name is Audrey, I'll be your waitress today, what can I get you guys to drink."

I order Cookies and Cream mlkshake and Noah orders a Butter Pecan milkshake. She smiles at us and walks away to go make our milk shakes.

When she gets back with our milkshakes she tells us, "You guys remind me of how me and my husband used to act when we were on our first date."

"Oh we ar-" I get cut off by Noah.

"Thank you so much ma'am." He awnsers.

"No problem, what can I get y'all," She asks.

I order a vegie burger with a side of fries and Noah orders a bacon cheeseburger with a side of Onion rings.

"So," Noah continues, "I realized that we don't really know the basic things about eachother."

"Okay then let's fix that," I tell him.

"Okay how about we alternate asking eachother questions?"

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