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(I am so sorry that I didn't post Friday.. I don't even have an excuse except I didn't really want too. I was really hyper that day and I wouldn't have been able to write a good chapter and it would have been bad like Chapter 11.. Anywhore hopefully this chapter will be so much better.)

Saphire's Pov:

I wake up to my stupid alarm clock. I hate it, I hope it dies in the fiery pits of hell while Satan is singing the chicken wing song for all of eternity. Okay maybe that is going alittle bit too far.

Grey opens my door and silently walks into my room and flops down onto my bed like it is his bed. 

I quickly get out of bed so that the boys have nothing to be mad about. I hear Aidan yelling at all of us to get up. I laugh internally at what is going to happen next.

Jace walks into my room and sees that I'm not in bed, "Guys, I think Saphire snuck off again," Jace yells.

"No, I didn't I was being a good girl and got up today," I say and I see Jace basically jump out of his skin and I start laughing.

"Jesus Christ, Princess you fucking scared me." He says with his hand on his chest. "Grey get the hell up. It's bad when Saphire is up before you are."

"Whatever," Grey groans. He gets up yawns and stretches before he leaves to go to his bedroom.

Mason walks into my room and the atmosphere automatically gets tense. "Saphire may I talk to you alone," He asks.

"Sure," and with that Jace and Grey almost automatically leaves the room.

Mason sits on the bed and pats the spot that is next to him. I go and sit down. He starts talking,"You know I want you to be happy and have friends, right?"

"Yeah I know," I answer.

"I just don't want you to get hurt by him Baby, I know how he can be like and I just don't want you to get hurt, Saphire you are my world if anything happened to you I wouldn't be myself. You are my everything and I will do anything to protect you. I lost Mom and Dad I don't want to lose you too."

"I know Mason but I don't think that he is going to hurt me and if he does I give you full permission to beat him up but he has saved me a lot Mason."

"Sadly, I know, and I'm grateful that he has when I didn't."

"I don't like it when you are mad at me Massey."

"I don't like it when I'm mad at you either."

"Can we please make up now it would make our life so much better."

"Yeah we can, Silly Girl."

"Noooo, that isn't my name, its Baby I don't like Silly Girl."

"You don't like Silly Girl but you like Baby?" He looks at me incredulously.

"Yup." I pop the 'p'.

"You never seize to amaze me." He tells me. I giggle and he continues, "Its time for school go get dressed."

I stand up and hug him really tight. Im glad that we made up. He hugs me back then lets go and walks out of my room.

I quickly go into my close and look at my clothes. I get on a light pink crop top and black high-waisted shorts. I put on a pair of black sandals.

I go to my vanity and put on a thin coat of Benefit Roller Lash, a Jeffree Star Liquid lip in in Gemini, and Marc Jacobs Gel Highliner in black.

I get on my black converse shoes with Ciel on the one shoe and Sebastian on the other from Black Butler.

I quickly run downstairs and make a Mango and Cherry Smoothie for the way to school and put it into a black canister when I am done making it.

I grab my book bag from the front hall and run to the garage. I see Mason near the side of the car that I sit on. I run to him and he quickly helps me into the Jeep. He goes to the driver side of the car and drives to school.

When we get there I hop out and head to my locker quickly. I see Noah by the lockers and go to him, "Hai."

"Trying to get me beat up," He says playfully with a smirk.

"No, I'm allowed to hang out with you now." I say innocently.

"You're kidding me right."

"Nope," I hear Grey say from behind which scares the hell out of me.

I turn around and push him towards his locker. I get the things that I need out of my locker. And I start walking to class.

Noah comes up behind and lifts me up and spins me around in a circle and I squeal. "Go to the class room we were at the other day during lunch." He whispers in my ear which sends shivers down my back.

He walks away and leaves me confused with my stomach doing backflips.

*Time skip to lunch*

On the way to the classroom I have to make a quick stop at the cafeteria to get my Cookies and Cream yogurt, a spoon, and a Body Armor Juice that Grey brings in his lunch bag.

I then make my way to the classroom and knock on the door. Noah greets me at the door and lets me in.

"So Saph, you defied your brothers," Jordan asks.

"Yeah, they weren't going to tell me who I can and can't hang out with."

"So Saph, You have a bad side," Alex says with a smirk.

I wink at him and giggle a little bit. Alex winks back and laughs too. I can't but notice Noah get tensed while Alex and I did it.

We quickly fall into little mini but interesting, not that when I'm with these boys they are anything but interesting, conversations while we eat.


Okay Guys... Yes I know I am a terrible author, I write a bad chapter then skip a week of writing. I am Sorry guys. I was having a little bit of a writers block and couldn't think of a way to write what I wanted.

Noah: They Probably just missed me.

Author: Keep talking I'll make Saphire and Alex end up together.

Noah: You can't do that in the description it talks about me and Saphire.

Author: I can quickly change it asshole.

Noah: ... Ill be quiet now.

Author: That's what I thought.

Noah: I'm sorry

Author: It's okay baby boy.

QOTW: Should I do a somewhat cross over for one of the books in this chapter. Should I have Sophie and Saphire meet and put it in two different POV for the story?

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