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Recap: "Can I ask 2 questions," I ask

"Sure." Noah says

"Why the hell are you guys so fucking tall and What do you guys do in here during lunch." I ask.


They laugh at my question, I pout slightly.

"We aren't tall you're just short" Jordan says.

"No you guys are tall you guys are Tenth Graders and like 6 feet tall."

"Yeah we grew fast that's all," Alex says matter-of-factly.

"You guys are fucking giants. I win you lose so shush. Now answer the second question." I tell them

"We usually just hang here talk about shit, We don't like other people so it's fun to just chill in here." Noah tells me.

"Doesn't a class go on in here," I ask.

"No it's only used for after school activities." Alex explains.

"Okay," I reply

"Just please don't tell anyone about this place, we only like to use it and if anyone else found out about it then," Noah trails off.

"You act as if I have friends to tell," I scoff.

"Wait you don't have friends," Noah asks.

"No, why is that so surprising," I ask

"Because your brothers are like so popular." Jordan cuts in.

"Nope, I don't really like people," I continue, "I have 6 brothers, I never needed friends."

"Don't you have like a girl best friend that like you tell all of your crushes too," Alex asks.

"Nope I never had any crushes and most girls don't like me because they think that I'm trying to steal my brothers attention away from them," I explain.

"Who do you tell your secrets to," Jordan asks.

"Grey, when your twin tells you something personal you can't tell anyone unless absolutely necessary," I explain.

"Who did you play with as a kid," Noah asks.

"Grey, Jace, Jacob, and Mason, Jace and Jacob started to drift apart from me in middle school so it was just Grey, Mason, and I. But eventually Grey made friends, so now me and mason hang out a lot," I tell them

They all look at me with pity. "Anyway you guys are all only children who did you guys hang out with," I ask

"All of our parents are bestfriends so we always hung out together," Alex explains.

"Wait you said that you never had any friends because you don't like  people," Noah Continues," You seem to get along with us pretty fucking great."

"Yeah I guess so," I shrug

"So does that mean that we are officially your first friends," he asks.

"Yeah I guess it does." I tell him.

Noah smirks at me and my heart flutters a little bit. I cant help but smile.

The room goes quiet and I hear a voice that I can spot from a mile away, "Guys she couldn't have gone far but she doesn't have her tracker on."  I guess the boys know it too because their eyes go wide.

"Let's check in here," I quickly go behind the teachers desk so that they couldn't see me.

I hear the door open, "Have you guys seen Saphire," He asks with worry in his voice. I feel kinda bad but I'm having fun in here.

"Who the hell is Saphire," Noah asks. I can't help but feel a little hurt but I know he is only doing it so that I don't get caught.

"The girl that was with us this morning she bumped into you," Asher tells him.

"Oh your side kick no I haven't seen her," Noah tells them.

"Good," Grey mutters.

"What the hell are you gonna do if you did," Alex starts. His voice got so mean I couldn't believe that it was Alex.

"Leave Grey alone," Mason tells Alex.

"What the hell are you gonna do if he doesn't" Jordan jumps in.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this I want to find Saphie," Aidan says. Great now the boys know one of my nicknames.

"Then please leave we aren't asking you to say quite the opposite actually," Noah tells them

"Whatever," and with that I hear the door close.

A few seconds later Noah says, "It's clear Saphie."  I glare at him.

"That was close," Alex says

"You think" I sarcastically say.

"Ooooh feisty," He winks, "I like it."

I wink back but can't help but see the glare that Noah gives Alex. 


Hai Guys!!! Im going to give myself a shameless self promotion because I can. The story is called The Bad Boy Saved Me. Please read the trigger warning  in the description before you read it I don't want to triggers anyone's anything. It will be going up tomorrow

Noah: Are you ever going to go to bed its 3:40 in the morning why the hell are you still awake.

Author: Because I wanted to get this chapter up.

Noah: Well Go to bed

Author: Okay I am BYE GUYSSS!!!

Noah: Bye guys xoxo x-x

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