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I woke up from the hospital a week later after being put in a medicated coma so that my body could fix its self, as the doctors liked to tell me.

That day when I woke up I didn't care about the physical pain, I could deal with that. The emotional pain was way too much to handle for me.

Everything came flooding back to me. When I woke up I was surrounded by the boys and yet I still felt that I was alone.

How could the world be so cruel to me, but not only to be, to Noah who was way too much of a bright light to die.

When I woke up it was confirmed that Jordan was the one who hit us, while he was driving home from a party.

Thoughts came flooding through my head: What if I never fell asleep, Why couldn't of been my side that was hit, What would have happened if it wasn't us.

I partly blame myself for that night really because if I didn't rush us out of the door than we would have missed him. If I didn't fall asleep that night than maybe we would have missed him.

I blame Jordan too for drunk driving, but he is already getting what he deserves by getting life in prison for murder because he was driving under the influence.

Alex came into the hospital to visit me and I forgave him. I didn't blame him for going out with the other girl I blame me for being naïve I should have known that they all had their player ways. Though...

I realized something though when  I was recovering in the hospital. Those three boys, whether it was physically or emotionally, hurt me. I should have never have started to hang out with those boys, not only did it get me hurt but it also got one of them killed, one of them without his two bestfriends, and the other in prison.

I should have listened to My Six Over Protective Older Brothers.


Hiii guys its me again. I know that this was a plot twist but it was always meant to happen. I didn't want this to be as cliché of a story than it already was. I wanted my character to learn something from this. I wanted her to wonder what if? Trust me I cried while I was writing all of last chapter and all of this chapter.

It hurts me emotionally to kill off a character who has been such a big part in my writing experience.  Finishing this story makes me sad because its my first somewhat well written story that actually was successful.

I love this story with all of my heart and I hope that you guys did too. I know that it has been a rocky story because of my writing hiatus' but yeah.... I hope you guys enjoyed this story of My Six Over Protective Older Brothers.

Author: Bye guysss ^-^ xoxo

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