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Bad Boy Meets Girl

As I walk into the front doors all I see are people. If you haven't already noticed from the first chapter. I don't like people. These are people that I don't even know and that I don't care to know.

"It will be okay Saphire" I hear someone say next to me. I don't really care who it is because I am too busy freaking the fuck out.

I look at my organizer schedule thing and see that my locker is 1028. Lockers go in alphabetical order, so it goes 1022 is Aidan's, 1023 is Asher's, 1024 is Grey's, 1025 is Jace's, 1026 is Jacob's, 1027 is Mason's, and 1028 is Mine of Course. I'm always last no matter what.

I hear the locker on my right open up and I see that it is the boy from this morning. My brothers look over and glare at him. I quickly put all of the things that I don't need in my locker and put all of the things that I do need into my book bag so that I can carry it easily.

I look at my schedule and see that my homeroom is Room 028. Just great I have to run upstairs to my locker everyday then I have to run back downstairs near the front of the school.

I quickly make my way back to the front of the school but somehow get lost.

I hear the bell ring, great just what I need to be late to class on the first day. I wonder down the hallway trying to find which class room is mine. 128, 129, 130.. Well this definitely not the way to my classroom. I bump into something while looking at my schedule.

This time I don't get caught in midair. I look up and see that I bumped into the hot boy again. "You should really watch where you are going, you bump into things a lot." He states.

"Sorry, I was trying to see where my class was and I wasn't paying attention." I squeak out.

"What room number" He asks bored.

"Uhhh 028," I tell him.

"Go down this hall then the second hall way on the right that you see, keep on going down that hallway and you should find your class then," he explains.

"Thank you," I tell him and start heading down that way.

"Wait," he calls out.

"Yes," I question surprised.

"What's your name, You're one of the Storm Siblings that I've never seen before," He asks.

"Is that your nickname for all of us," I ask with a smirk.

"Yeah, you see we all don't particularly get along."

"I kinda figured that out from this morning."

"So are you going to tell me your name,"

"No I think the mystery will be fun, plus I don't even know your name,"

"Its Noah Summers, your brother said it earlier."

"I wasn't really paying attention." I told him honestly.

"So will you tell me yours now."

"Nope," I say with a smirk and walk away.

Why the hell was I being so... sassy. I'm usually shy as hell.

I quickly make my way to class and when I walk in everyone stares at me.

"You must be Saphire Storm, Why are you late." The teacher ask, I can already tell that she is going to be a bitch.

"Sorry I got lost on the way to class," I told her honestly.

"It better not happen again Miss. Storm." She warned me.

"Yes Ma'am."

I quickly make my way to the only empty seat at the back of the class. I see that Grey is in the class. Why the hell didn't he help me.. I glare at him and he smiles apologetically at me.

He is lucky that I can't be mad at him because he is my twin. The teacher quickly gets on with the lesson and I zone her out.


Hey Guys it was so fun to write this chapter and meet Noah for the first time. How did you guys like the chapter. I cant wait to explore the characters more. Hopefully I will still be able to post a chapter every week so that more people can get into the book and the ones that are already into the book dont have to wait so long.

Thank you to anyone who actually has waited to read the chapters Because my writing schedule is all fucked up. LMAO

Noah: Yeah you better get better with your writing schedule I'm in the book and im sure they cant get enough of me.

Author: Uhhhh excuse me I will write you out of the book right now if I really wanted.

Noah: You wouldn't you love me too much.

Author: Sadly I do

Noah: Ha Ha

Thank You Guys SO Much for reading byeeeee xoxo

Noah: baiiii ^-^

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