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About half way into the second movie I guess I fall asleep because when I wake up and I guess Noah fell asleep some time after because when i woke up it was on the loading screen waiting for someone to hit play to the third movie.

I turn on my phone and wait for it to load. Once I see the time I gasp. It's 11:39. Thats it I'm going to die and Noah will be going down with me.


I shake Noah awake, "Noah, Wake Up you have to take me home like now," I say urgently

"What, it can't be that late." Noah replies stretching and yawning.

"It's 11:39 and if you don't get me home soon, not only are you going to die but so am I, I'm quite fond of living sooo."

I quickly text the family group chat and tell them that Noah and I were watching a movie and fell asleep. Then my phone starts blowing up.

 Family Group Chat:

Saphire: Hey guys so sorry. Noah and I fell asleep while watching High School Musical. Im on my way home now Sorry Guys. 😔

Mason: You better get your ass home now Saphire, don't even think about keeping your phone when you get home. 😡

Asher: Saphire you gave had us so fucking worried.

Jace: Why didn't you text us? and why wasn't your phone on when we called you?

Saphire: I turned it off because me and Noah went and talked about what happened homecoming night.

Grey: Did you guys make up? 

Jacob: You're not fucking helping Grey!

Saphire: Sorry guys. I'll be home in like 5 minutes..

Mason: I swear to all of the angels up above if you aren't then you're going to be dead.

 As I was texting the boys, Noah and I quickly headed out of the door, hopped into his car, and sped off so that we could get me home as soon as possible.

What we didn't realize that as we were 10 minutes away from my house that a car would T-bone us.

When the other car hit us, we flipped and I hit my on the passenger side glass which caused it to shatter, then I hit it on the roof once we flipped. I felt warm liquid dripping down my face, I touched my hand to it and saw that it was red. Wait, warm liquid that's red. Oh my god im bleeding.

Everything starts to become blurry and black spots cover my visions up slowly but steady. I feel my body start to relax and me becoming tired. 

My mind goes in and out of consciousness.

I hear sirens and then yelling, and then I cant feel or hear anything.

I hear my car door being pulled open and then nothing once again.

I feel myself being put onto something soft and something going around my head and I feel like I can breathe better.

I open my eyes to see a car that looks similarly to Jordan's and someone who looks a lot like Jordan. But that can't be Jordan would never do something like this because he is Jordan, the only boy who hasn't hurt me yet. My eyes close and I feel and hear nothing again.

I become conscious again and I hear something that just crushes my soul. I hear something that I never would have expected to hear because we just made up and the world cant be that fucking cruel to me.

"The boy is dead on sight, call the time of death," One persons voice says.

"Time of death 11:45 pm," Another person says.

I feel my self go out of consciousness again, and this time I don't try and fight it.


Noah Summers: Born- 10-31-03 Died: 7-19-2019

Died from: Side Swipe accident caused by 16 year old Jordan Kings while he was Driving Under the Influence

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