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Fixing the Problems... AND ICE CREAM

Saphire's POV

I lay in bed crying, trying to go to sleep. I didn't want to be up anymore this night was just a total failure.

I hear someone's foot steps, probably one of the boys coming up stairs and getting their jacket.

To my surprise, the foot steps stopped at my door. I pretended like I was sleeping so that they would go away. Not to my surprise, they didn't, but the person who came in surprised me. Mason opened my door seconds.

"Baby, I know your not sleeping," He says while climbing into bed with me.

"I wanna be though so please go away," I reply.

"Well too bad, I wanna talk to you," Mason continues, "Why didn't you just tell me that you were uncomfortable around my friends?"

" 'Cause I didn't want it to be awkward and I wanted you to have fun on the last day of summer" I told him truthfully.

"I wanted to spend time with you because we wont see each other anymore, we both will work and with school starting we will see each other even less." He puts his head down on my shoulder.

"You will get to see me in the mornings and sometimes in the halls," I tell him.

Mason may be 19 but he failed his tenth grade year because our parents died. It hit him the worst out of all of us and he never wanted to go to school.. They failed him for the year and he had to retake his whole tenth grade.

"First of all, I will always see you in the hall ways, our lockers go in alphabetical order so we will be right near each other the whole time," He continues, " Second of all, I don't want to just see you maybe 30 minuets each day." I nod in agreement.

" I know, but we work, we need the money. It's hard without Mom and Dad," I tell him while looking into his stormy grey eyes.

"I know," He tells me and kisses the top of my dark black hair. "How about we go get ice cream, just me and you"

"Yes," I scream.

"Shhhhh," He chuckles, " We don't want the others knowing."

He sets me down and turns his back to me. I jump onto his back and we walk downstairs to the garage . He grabs the Black Jeep keys and goes to the garage door to open it.

I jump down off of his back and try to get in the Jeep myself. The thing about the totally awesome Jeep is that it has jacks on it so I couldn't reach it without one of the boys helping me into it.

Mason watches me trying to get in," You know you're too short to get in the truck by yourself."

"One, its a Jeep not a truck", he rolls his eyes at this comment," And two, are you going to help me into the truck or stand there and laugh like an idiot."

"Ill help you but I need a gift first," he negotiates.

"Fine," I agree. I go up to him, pull him down by his shirt and kiss him on the cheek.

He smiles and picks me up and lifts me into the Jeep. "Now can we go get ice cream" I ask excitedly and sarcastically.

"Yes" he replies.

Then we are off to go get our ice cream.


Noah: So am I Going to be in the next chapter.

Author: Maybe if you stop being such a pain in my ass.

Noah: well that's rude.

Author: Well yeah that's kinda the point...

(A/N: Hey guys I am so glad to be updating twice in one week. SO i was wondering do you guys want me to do short chapters like this or long chapters but only one a week. Pls let me know guys thx I hope you guys enjoyed

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