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(A/n: there is an important note at the bottom of the chapter)

The storm Sibilings

Bathroom and bedrooms


Crazy Morning

I wake up and hear the devil himself, the one sound that no one wants to hear in the morning, my alarm clock. I smack the snooze button and try to go back to sleep.

The key word is try. With having 6 brothers, it means that I basically have 7 alarms clocks, I like to call it the 7 stages of waking up in the morning: Stage 1, the stupid alarm clock. Stage 2, Grey comes into my room and lays down in bed with me. Stage 3, Aidan yelling for all of us to get up and get ready. Stage 4, Jace coming into my room and yelling at Grey and I to get up. This is when Grey gets up and leaves to get ready. Stage 5, Jacob coming in and pulling the blankets off of me. Stage 6, Asher threatening to pour water on my head. Stage 7, Mason yelling at Asher for threatening me and coming in and gently waking me up.

And that's how it went this morning: The Satan alarm clock woke me up first with its annoying beeping sounds. I quickly hit the snooze button and try and go back to sleep. Grey's alarm clock must have gone off too because 2 minuets later he comes into my room with is blue dinosaur blanket and flops onto my bed and falls asleep. I pull my blankets closer to me and close my eyes.

5 minuets later I hear Aidan's big mouth woke me up again, "Guys, wake up is time the first day of school" I shove my head into my pillow and finally go back to sleep.

Jace then comes barging into my room yelling "Princess, Grey get up it's time to get ready for school." Grey groans but gets up. I sit up in bed until Jacey leaves and then lay back down and try and go to bed.

Sleep didn't come because not even a minuet later Jacob comes in and pulls my nice, warm blanket off of me. "Ugh," I groan tiredly. He comes and gives me a kiss on the forehead and then walks out.

I lay back on my bed, not even trying to go back to sleep this time, and I hear Asher yell, "Sis, if you don't wake up then I'm going to come in and pour water on you."

"You won't do anything to her," Mason says sternly. Mason comes in and picks me up and puts me on his lap. I lay my head against his shoulder.

"Its time to wake up baby," He whispers.

"I know, but I don't wanna." I complain.

"You don't want to miss your first day of school."

"Yes I do" I say matter-of-factly.

"Too bad," He chuckles.

"Why don't you love me?"

"I do and that's why I want you to have a good education."

"Ugh" I groan again.

"Here lets make a deal"

"Okay" I say interested.

"If you get ready i will make you a smoothie for school. You can get a shower in my bathroom"

"Okay," I yell and jump up.

I run into my closet and pull out a pair of black underwear and a matching bra, then get a black crop top and a pair of ripped jeans and a leather jacket. I mean I don't want to go to the first day of school but that doesn't mean I'm not going to look cute for it.

My 6 Over Protective Older BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now