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(A/N: So I just wanted to make a quick note that I am so proud of this story. I love you guys s much you have got us to almost 1 thousand reads. I never thought that we would get 100 yet alone 1 thousand. I am so grateful!  Now back to the regularly scheduled program.)

Saphire's POV

When I got home after work it was as eventful as it was the night before and here is how it went down:

"Saphire, what the hell were you thinking when you thought that going to school on your own would be a good idea," Aidan yells.

"I thought that I could avoid being yelled at early in the morning," I yelled back.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at us Saphire, you put this all on yourself." Mason tells me.

"If you stayed out of this then none of us would be having a problem right now," I tell him with an attitude.

"We are trying to protect you Saphire," Jace pipes in.

"No you're not you guys are making this about you because you guys don't like him so apparently I can't be friends with him," I continue, "If you guys were protecting me one of you guys would have followed me to the bathroom on the first day of school to make sure I was okay, you would have prevented it from happening in the first place. Noah, Jordan, and Alex protected me in art class when the botched plastic surgery Barbie tried and murder me with her heel."

"I don't care if they saved you from a fucking pirate, you aren't being friends with them," Mason yells. He looks at the boys for support but they just look away, "What is it guys."

"She's kind of right Mason, and who know what Taylor would have did to her if she was alone , They haven't done anything that has actually made her sad or hurt her in anyway, I say we give it a chance." Asher says.

"Are you really siding with her right now," Masons exclaims.

"Yeah," They all say. You can see all the blood go to masons face at that moment.

"Fine," He bellows, "If her hurts her in anyway shape or form you guys are dealing with it not me."

We all nod in understanding, and Mason storms out in rage.

"Saphire, We are trusting your opinion on this please don't let us down." Jacob says.

"I won't they are nice to me really," I insisted.

"Okay" and with that we all went back to what we were doing.


Noah: This is a really short chapter... and im not in it

Author: I know but this was kind of a filler chapter I want to do something that I Will also post today.. maybe

Noah: You cant say that you will post twice if you don't mean it

Author: I do, I'm going to try and post asap but this chapter isn't the best because I haven't slept in like 20 hours so im kinda tired.

Noah: You act like you're going to sleep anyway.

Author: You never know I might.

Noah: Mhmmmm. ANYWHORE.. I cant believe we have almost 1 thousand reads.

Author: I know!!!!!! Im so happy.

Noah: Only need a few more reads.

Author: I know..

Noah: Is that the end

Author: Actually no. Im am going to start a QOTW (Question Of The Week)

QOTW: Do you guys have any specific details that you want to add into the book.. And I don't mean anything ridiculous like Saphire getting abducted by cow aliens that have purple utters.


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