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I haven't seen my siblings since the classroom incident and they didn't even know I was there. I head to the last class of the day and I know for sure that none of my brothers are in this class sadly. I don't have a lot of classes with them. Right now I'm in art class. Easy enough, stay away from everyone else and hopefully I can just draw peacefully. Of course that wasn't going to happen, because the blonde from earlier, Taylor, had to be in this class and she came up to me.

"I want you to stay away from Mason and them," She tells me.

"That's kind of hard to do considering they are my brothers," I say shyly.

"Well make it happen or I will put you through hell the rest of the school year," She tells me.

I don't know what to say but thankfully my savior comes. "Leave her alone," Noah says looking at me and I saw a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah you heard what he said leave me alone," Taylor says.

Noah turns towards her with a look of disgust on his face, "I was talking to you actually."

"Why the hell do you care you don't even like the Storms," She asks him.

"My business doesn't involve your reject Barbie ass does it," He tells her. She scoffs at his statement.

"Also you might want to look at you're hair your black roots are showing," He tells her.

I hear her audibly gasp and cover her hair. I cant help but laugh and that earns me a glare from her. I back up a little because I'm scared. I feel a hand move onto my back and jump and look who it is. Thankfully it was Jordan and not one of her minions.

I look next to Jordan and see Alex wearing a mean looking glare that was directed towards Taylor.

She stomps her foot, obviously knowing that she isn't going to win this fight, and walk away but not without throwing another deadly glare at me.

All three of them turn to me and look at me with a worried expression. "Are you okay," Jordan asks.

"Yeah I'm fine just kind of freaked out," I tell them.

"It's okay she won't get you while we are around." Noah assures me.

I give them a smile of gratitude, and sit down in my seat. we joke around and draw the whole time during the class.

When the bell rings I let everyone go out of class including Noah, Alex, and Jordan because im not supposed to be near them.

I apparently wasn't thinking rationally because when I get up to my locker I see Taylor standing near Mason with a smirk on her face. Mason didn't have a happy face on and he was yelling at Noah. This can't be good.

I go up to them and see what the hell was going on," "What is going on," I ask.

"You know what the hell is going on Saphire Don't fucking play dumb. We were fucking worried about you during lunch when you disappeared, and you were with this asshole and his friends< I don't fucking want you around them," He tells me

"I don't care what you want, they are my first real friends and just because you don't like them doesn't mean that I can't be friends with him." I tell him

"Actually, I can Saphire, I'm your legal guardian I can tell you what I want too." he starts to yell.

A crowd starts to form around us to see what the hell is going on. "I don't Car if you are my guardian, I'm not going to listen to you." That definitely earned me a glare from all of my brothers and a shocked look from Noah behind me.

"We will talk about this when we get home, lets go we have work." I look behind me and mouth 'Sorry' to Noah while being dragged out of the school by Jace. This is going to be interesting.


Hai guys. I was so excited to write this chapter because it has everything that I want in it. Girl drama, protective nature from the boys and a fight between Saphire and the boys. Everything that a love story needs.

Noah: I seriously don't like the siblings.

Author: I know you don't your lucky i didn't make them beat your ass.

Noah: You would never

Author: you may be right but whatever.

Noah: So when are you updating next I wanna know what happen next

Author: Well last time I said tomorrow it was almost a full week so... As soon as possible hopefully tomorrow after I post my other chapter

Noah: What will happen to saphire

Author: nothing terrible I already have in mind what i want

Noah: Will they abuse her

Author: Hell no im not down for that with the boys. You may be my favorite but I do love them too

Noah: Im so going to tell them

Author: You're lucky that if I kill you it would be a form of suicide.

Noah: YAY

Author: Well bye guys xoxo

Noah: BYE GUYS xoxo ^-^

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