Thank You!!!!

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Noah: I wanted to High jack The authors account and say thank you for the 200 reads that we got. I know that most of them are for m-

Author: *Slaps him* I told you to stay off my account.

Noah: But we got 200 reads.

Author: I know and i came on here too thank them but then i see that you are on MY account.

Noah: Sheeeesh take a chill pill

Author: I will Shove that pill so far up you----

Noah: Ah Ah AH Watch your mouth there are children and fangirling or Fanboying teens here.

Author: Ugh.. ANYWHORE thank you guys so much for 200 reads I never thought that we would get this far and im sorry that this wasnt in the last chapter but i didn't check how many reads we got cuz i was in a rush to write the book for you guys. I hope you have a fabulous day/night/afternoon. BAIIII <33

Noah: Byeeee ^-^ <3

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